Rajma Cutlets and Hung Curd Dip

This is an easy-peasy, healthy and colourful finger food. Protein packed and rich in vitamins, you will not believe how simple this turns out to be. This can easily substitute the greasy, high calorie burger patties, so you can indulge in your favourite fast food without going on a guilt trip! That is actually how I came up with this idea – when I wanted to make home-made healthier burgers. I use very minimal oil and it doesn’t need any bread crumbs coating or maida dip. The rajma does a good job of binding and the cutlets come out really well.



  • 1 cup rajma – soaked overnight and cooked (I overcook the rajma – about 2 extra whistles so it’s easier to grind)
  • 2 carrots – grated
  • 1 large beetroot – grated
  • 1 onion – finely chopped
  • Salt – to taste
  • Finely chopped coriander leaves
  • Jeera powder – half teaspoon
  • Chilli powder – half teaspoon


To the frying pan, add 2 tablespoons of oil. Once hot, add the finely chopped onions, Sautée until it changes pinkish. Add the cooked rajma. Add the grated carrots and beets as well. Sautée for couple of minutes. Add the salt and the other seasonings. Sautée until the mixture becomes dry. Finally, add the chopped coriander leaves. Once it cools down, grind this to a thick mash. Add very little water if necessary. Voila! Cutlets are ready to be made. If you want, you can roll it in ground oats. It will give a crispy outer texture. Pan fry them with about 2 spoons of oil. Serve hot with hung curd dip. (recipe below)

Hung Curd Dip


  • Half litre curd
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Garlic powder
  • Oregano


Tie the half litre curd to a thin muslin cloth and let it hang over the sink for at least half hour until it drains all its water content. Once the hung curd is thick enough, spoon it into a mixie. Add salt, pepper, garlic powder, oregano. Grind for about 5-10 seconds. Yummilicious dip is ready! You can improvise by adding jalapeños, olives or sautéed bell peppers to the dip before grinding. Introduce this healthy dip to your kids and they will prefer this to the preservative laden ketchup!

Recipe contributed by: Dr. Shweta Vikram, a busy working mom of a toddler.