
• Occurs when the median nerve is compressed.
• Median nerve is located on the palm side of your hand.
• This nerve provides sensation to the hand.
• When affected, blood circulation to fingers gets cut off.
• Can occur in one or both of your hands.

Causes of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

• Diabetes
• Thyroid dysfunction
• Fluid retention from pregnancy or menopause
• High blood pressure
• Autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis
• Fractures or trauma to the wrist

Who are at risk for this ailment?

• Those who suffer from certain medical conditions like
• diabetes
• high blood pressure
• arthritis
• Those who have jobs that employ repetitive wrist movement

Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

• Numbness, tingling, and pain in thumb
• Pain in first three fingers of your hand
• Pain and burning that travels up your arm
• Wrist pain at night that interferes with sleep
• Weakness in the muscles of the hand

Diagnosis of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

• History of the patient including lifestyle
• Physical examination(to check for causes of nerve pressure)
• Nerve conduction studies(measures conduction speed of nerve impulses)

Treatment of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (non-surgical options)

• Avoiding positions that overextend your wrist
• Wrist splints that hold your hand in a neutral position
• Mild pain medication
• Medication to reduce inflammation
• Treatment of any underlying conditions like diabetes or arthritis
• Steroid injections into your carpal tunnel area to reduce inflammation

When is surgery required for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

• When there is severe damage to the median nerve.
• Minimally invasive surgery will be considered
• Surgery options depend on:-
• age of patient
• length of symptoms
• severity of symptoms
• other medical conditions

Preventing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

• Avoid activities that overextends your wrists
• Pay attention to your posture
• Address any underlying medical conditions
• Relax hand between activities
• Physiotherapy

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