Dear Kway Readers,
Our vision is to make sure that, we become your most respected, and trusted health care provider and our mission is to make sure great health care is affordable.
The month of August is definitely a month of rejoicement with friends and families, as we reunite with our loved ones from abroad. Every relationship has a friendship within .. Life is so beautiful, and every relationship adds a special meaning to our lives. Especially “friendship”, is a wonderful emotion to be experienced!!! Right from kindergarden to grave, a friend will be the person, most predominant and of paramount interest to us!!!
We look forward to meet them every day whether it’s at school, college or workplace. The day goes slow when your friend is not around. A child, with good friends will be seen to be cheerful and enthusiastic always.
At teenage the main reason for the parents and children to argue, is because of the fact that teenagers love their friends more than family.
In early twenties and thirties a few of us have a small emptiness in life, as we have to part from our friends, as we go for higher education or sometimes marriage and children take a turn away from keeping in touch with our old friends. But the thoughts of our friends never fade away.
Next we meet our colleagues at work and sometimes the parents of our child’s friends, become our next circle of friends whom we open up to.
Midlife brings an opportunity to meet our old friends and alumni, thanks to WhatsApp groups and reunions for this opportunity.
Early sixties are also seen enthusiastic most of the time, chatting with their old friends. Life after retirement can really drive us to depression. If not for friends, it might become very hard to fight the boredom for many.
Finally in old age, if you’d notice, people who have friends do not like to leave their homes, and the slightest thought of their children, inviting them abroad really scares them. Their life revolves around their friends, and this is what they want!!!
Friendship is such a blessing, one can gift oneself!!!
Appreciate and motivate your friends. Create a positive vibration. Healthy friendship is like a natural medicine. A stress buster, which is so important to keep our minds relaxed. People who socialize and have a large circle of friends are least expected to have Dementia too.
This month let’s make sure that our friends are healthier!!
A preventive health check with life style modification is the best you could wish your friend this month!!
Happy Friendship Day (August 4, 2019)
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Dr. Kavitha Sundaravadanam
Family Physician
Radiology CME
A CME on Vascular Imaging was conducted by our hospital along with Indian Radiological and Imaging Association at Hotel Raintree. The event was a grand success attended by 125+ radiologists and PG students. Prof BabuPeter, Dr Ramesh, Dr Kanagasabai and Dr Ramya were speakers in the CME sharing tips on MRI Venogram, CT Angiogram and Duplex imaging of veins.