Ear wax blockage: Symptoms and Treatment 0

Summary Ear wax blockage is a condition in which the natural wax found in our ears deposit in large quantities and block the ear canal. This leads to hearing loss

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8 Tips in Choosing the best Hearing-Aid for an Elder 0

Overview In the last three decades, there have been rapid advances in both design and technology used for hearing-aids. Today, there are multiple types of hearing-aids to suit the budget,

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Ear Infection in babies – Symptoms, Causes and Treatment 0

An ear infection is a common problem in infants. As many as 5 out of 6 infants will experience at least one bout of ear-infection before their third birthday. It’s

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Chronic Sore Throat – Causes and Treatment 1

Almost all of us have suffered a sore throat for a couple of days and found relief with home remedies. However, chronic sore throat is a condition that lasts for

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Identifying Deafness in Infants 1

Across the world, 1 to 3 out of every 1000 children has a hearing defect. While some are congenital or present at birth, some are acquired after birth. That is

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BPVV- Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo 2

Vertigo is the sudden sensation of spinning, falling or the feeling that the inside of your head is spinning. It could even be a tilting or unbalanced feeling. Benign paroxysmal

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Snoring is no laughing matter 1

Does your snoring keep others up at night? Or does someone that you know snore incessantly and too loudly for you to go to sleep? People who snore are often

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Ear Infections – Infographic 3

Ear infections occur when a bacterial or viral infection affects the middle ear. Ear infections can be diagnosed with the following symptoms: Partial hearing loss An itchy feeling in the

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Is your throat irritating you? 2

A sore throat may cause you pain, itchiness and irritation that can make it hard for you to swallow. This is generally accompanied by other infections such as a rash, joint

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Is Your Sinus Bothering You? Treatment of Sinusitis and Tips for Prevention. – Infographic 7

What is Sinusitis? The inflammation and swelling of the sinus is called as sinusitis. This is characterized by germ growth and obstruction of the nasal passage. Sinusitis is generally caused

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