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Family & General Medicine

Management of Diabetic Foot 0

The amputation is necessitated by a condition called gangrene, in which a wound or injury in the leg of a person with diabetes causes an infection that worsens with time,

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What do you mean by Hypoglycemia 0

Hypoglycemia is when the sugar levels in your blood are low and there is not enough sugar for your body to burn as energy. Some of the symptoms you may

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How Diabetes affects the kidneys 0

When a diabetic patient has raised blood glucose (sugar) levels, it causes certain chemicals in the kidneys to also rise. Consequently, this causes the glomeruli (filtering mechanism) in your kidney(s),

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Hypertension: The Silent Killer 0

Systemic hypertension, more often known as High Blood Pressure or simply BP, is one of the commonest diseases related to life style. According to a 2014 research report that was

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