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Stomach Pain – Cancer or Ulcer? 0

Table of Content What is Stomach Ulcer? Risk Factors Signs and Symptoms What is Stomach Cancer Risk Factors Signs and Symptoms Common symptoms between the two conditions Common Risk Factors

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Understanding Cholecystitis Inflammation of the Gall Bladder 0

Summary Cholecystitis is an inflammation of the gall bladder that is primarily caused by gall-stones blocking the flow of bile from the gall bladder. However, there can be other reasons

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Peptic Ulcer Disease – Symptoms, Causes and Treatment 0

Summary Peptic Ulcer Disease is a condition in which the stomach acid acts on the stomach lining resulting in open sores or ulcers in different parts of the digestive tract.

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The Impact of Diet on Post-Gastrointestinal Surgery Recovery 0

Summary Gastro-Intestinal surgery or GI Surgery is an umbrella term for a range of surgeries done on gall-bladder, oesophagus, liver, pancreas, small-intestine, large-intestine and rectum. The surgery may be done

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What causes a person to vomit blood? 0

Summary Vomiting blood is called by the medical term Hematemesis (emesis meaning vomiting and hemat referring to blood). This is not the same as hemoptysis (coughing of blood) or epistaxis

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How do you heal acid-damaged oesophagus? Surgery and Recovery 0

Summary Gastro-esophageal Reflux Disease is a chronic condition in which stomach acid refluxes into the esophagus leading to various complications. Lifestyle changes and medication resolves the issue in most cases.

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All about Crohn’s Disease – an Inflammatory Bowel Disease 0

Summary Crohn’s Disease is one of two types of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases that affect the digestive tract. The exact cause of Crohn’s Disease is not known but there are clear

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Handling Hernia 1

A hernia occurs when an organ or fatty tissue is squeezed through a weak spot in the surrounding muscle or connective tissue. There are many types of hernias. Three of

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All you need to know about E-coli infection 1

Overview Escherichia coli is a type of bacterium that is found in the intestines of human-beings and animals. When faeces containing E coli contaminates food, soil and water, and the

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What is a High-Resolution Manometry test? 1

Overview High-resolution Manometry test, also called Esophageal Manometry Test is a procedure performed to overcome conditions in the esophagus that make swallowing of food difficult. These conditions can cause repeated

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