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Therapeutic Endoscopy in Gastrointestinal Diseases 1

Overview Endoscopy is a popular, minimally-invasive technique used for diagnosis as well as treatment of diseases, in different organ-systems of the body. When it comes to treating disorders of the

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What is Endoscopy and why is it so popular 1

What is Endoscopy? Get the facts about endoscopy and how it can improve your health. Explore the different types, benefits, and procedure of endoscopy to gain a better understanding of

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A little bit of self-care can treat Acid Reflux effectively 1

Acid Reflux is the common name for a condition called as Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). In an earlier article, we have covered in detail what is GERD and what are

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Medications and Diet Plan for Treatment of GERD 1

The digestive system is a well-designed mechanism. Food that is chewed and swallowed moves down the esophageal pipe (in the throat and upper chest) and enters the stomach where the

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The Gut-Brain Connection 1

The English language has many interesting expressions around the gut. Some of them are “it was a gut feeling”, “it was a gut-wrenching experience”, “felt sick to the stomach”, “feeling

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All that you need to know about Food Borne Illnesses 1

Food-borne illnesses are a lot more common than you are aware. Worldwide, 125000 deaths occur every year due to food-borne illnesses, out of which as much as 40% are children

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7 Signs of an Unhealthy Gut 1

Table of Content Introduction Stomach upsets Food intolerance Sugar cravings Unexplained weight changes, bad breath, vitamin deficiencies Allergies and Skin conditions Disturbed sleep, Fatigue, Bad mood, Migraine Auto-immune conditions Outlook

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4 Questions to ask your Gastroenterologist 4

The food that we consume is converted into energy required by the body to function efficiently. Various organs found inside the body play a role in digesting the food and

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Tips to Prevent Water-Borne Diseases 1

Waterborne diseases are caused by micro-organisms that make their way into our body when contaminated water or food is consumed. They are the leading cause of diarrhoea and complications arising

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Pesticide Poisoning – How serious is it? 0

Pesticides are a generic term for a class of products that are used to kill animal or plant matter which affect farm produce. Pesticides have been used since the Vedic

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