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How can you protect yourself from bacterial infections of the stomach? 0

The digestive canal is vulnerable to infection and disease caused by microorganisms like bacteria and others. This creates a wide range of conditions, collectively called Gastroenteritis, with severe complications if

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Do not ignore that sour taste in your mouth 23

Table of Content Introduction Reasons for Sour or Bitter Taste in your Mouth Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) Medications Zinc Deficiency Causes for the sour and bitter taste in the

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Hernia: Is There a Cure That Does Not Involve Surgery? 0

In our bid to embark on a conscious lifestyle, we have started restricting the use of medicines unless there is absolutely no other way out of trouble. On one hand,

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Bulge in your navel? Could be Umbilical Hernia 2

Your navel, or belly button, is where the umbilical cord enters your body to provide you nourishment when you were a fetus. After birth, the opening closes naturally, creating the

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Role of Liver Biopsy in Managing Fatty Liver Disease 1

What is fatty liver disease? The clinical term for fatty liver disease is hepatic steatosis and it means that you have extra fat in your liver. Fatty liver disease is

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Does Stress cause ulcers? 1

In recent years, stress is the order of the day, and stress dominates discussions across personal, professional and medical forums. Stress is known to trigger various ailments and we have

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Gallbladder polyps – Symptoms, Diagnosis and Risks 0

The gallbladder is located just beneath your liver and its main function is to store the bile. Gallbladder polyps are small growths that arise in the inner lining of the gallbladder. They

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FAQ on Bloating and Gas 0

What is excess gas a symptom of? Gas is caused when the body breaks down the food that you ate. It is a by-product and normally is passed out without

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The role of Probiotics for a healthy life 1

What are Probiotics? The human body contains trillions of bacteria, distributed all over the inside, and on the outer skin of the body. These bacteria enter the body from food,

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Are weight loss surgeries safe? 0

What is a weight loss surgery? Bariatric or weight loss surgery is performed to help extremely obese patients lose weight. There are several types of weight loss surgeries and the

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