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Functions and Diseases of the liver and how to keep it healthy 0

Liver is one of the largest organ of our body. It’s situated inside your abdomen on the right side under the ribcage. It has numerous functions and one of the

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What is food intolerance? 0

What is Food Intolerance? Food intolerance and food-related allergies are common problems, but they are different medical conditions and should not be confused. Food intolerance is a reaction of the

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Abdominal Pain – Symptoms, Causes and Treatments 0

The abdomen is where a lot of major organs are located. These include the: Intestines – both large and small Kidneys Appendix Spleen Gallbladder Stomach Pancreas Liver Infections, inflammation, obstructions,

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What is Hepatitis? 0

An inflammation of the liver. Most common types: Hepatitis B A serious liver infection caused by the hepatitis B virus that’s easily preventable by a vaccine. Hepatitis C An infection

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10 Reasons that cause Liver Disease 2

The largest internal organ in our body is the Liver. The liver carries out more than 500 functions in our body of which some of the important functions are: Metabolism

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Stomach Flu or Gastroenteritis 0

What is Stomach Flu? Irritated and inflamed stomach and intestines are the main reasons for gastroenteritis or “stomach flu”. The “flu” is only a consequence of this disorder and hence

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Causes and Treatment for Piles 9

‘Hemorrhoids’ is the medical term for the condition more commonly known as Piles. They are a mass of swollen rectal or anal blood vessels. These veins are situated in the

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Heart Burn Basics for Your Benefit 0

What is heart burn? Heart burn is a burning sensation you experience in your upper stomach, or just below your breastbone. Most of us would have experienced the symptom of

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Removal of Gallbladder by Laparoscopy 1

The Gallbladder is a small organ located under the liver. Its purpose is to store the extra bile produced by the liver, and secrete it to the small intestines, where

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Piles Treatment at Kauvery Hospital 0

Piles is a curable condition if timely treatment is taken. If you have any symptom like pain or itching in the anal region or bloody stools or any other type

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