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General Surgery

In what way is Robotic surgery superior to Laparoscopic surgery? 0

Table of Content Summary Introduction to Types of Surgery Laparoscopy in brief Robotic Surgery in brief Comparing the two Outlook Summary In recent years, Robot-assisted Surgery, or Robotic Surgery is

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Early warning signs of appendicitis, and treatment 2

What is the appendix? The appendix is a 3.5 inch long, finger-like tube that sits at the junction of the small and large intestines. It’s present in the lower-right quadrant

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What is Antimicrobial Resistance? 2

The World Health Organization has designated November 18 to 24 as World Antimicrobial Awareness Week (WAAW). The slogan for 2020 is “Antimicrobials: Handle with care”. Antimicrobials enable humans, animals and

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Blood thinners and their use today 1

Blood thinners as their name suggests, are used as anticoagulants and increase the time duration taken for the formation of a blood clot, thereby reducing the risk of a stroke

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Causes of Blood Flow Obstruction in your body 1

Our body is made up of a big complex network of fibers where blood flows, carrying oxygen to different parts of the body, starting from large arteries to small capillaries.

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