Nutrients older people need for health and wellness
As people get older their metabolism changes, there is a decrease in hormones produced in the body and they need a well balanced diet with enough supplements to stay healthy
Read MoreGeriatric Health Care
Thanks to advances in medicine and health care, people today are living longer than ever before and their senior years can be active and fulfilling. However, that does not mean
Read MoreHow to keep fit after 50
Exercises to stay fit after 50 years of age Exercise should be an integral part of our daily lives as it positively benefits our physical, cognitive and psychological health while
Read MoreTips for older people to prevent falls and fractures
Preventing Falls and Fractures Yes, falls can be prevented. These are some simple ideas for you to guard yourself against falling. Talk to Your Doctor freely expressing all your worries.
Read MoreGeriatric Depression: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Depression whether it occurs in the young adult or in the elderly is not normal. Generally, the tendency is to be dismissive of the condition, when it occurs in somebody
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