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Vaccinations for adults and senior citizens 1

Dr. Ashwin Subramaniam, Consultant Internal Medicine and Diabetology talks about the types of vaccinations which avoid infections in adults.   Kauvery Hospital is globally known for its multidisciplinary services at

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Is your child getting hyperactive due to eating sweet goodies? 1

You must have seen children at birthday parties arriving as gentle, polite humans and transform into uncontrollable little devils after the goodies are eaten. The general belief is that giving

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What are the benefits of doing cardio exercises like Running? 1

Benefits of  Cardio Exercise Cardiovascular exercises get your heart pumping and make you sweat a lot. They increase your heart rate and increase blood circulation. Cardio exercises are very important

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Yogic Chakras for Health 1

Chakras are the vortexes of energy in the subtle body. There are 7 key points and blocking of a chakra, releases the emotional, physical and mental imbalances that manifest as

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What is your stress score? 1

How many of the following life crises have youexperienced in the last six months? Add up your score on this events table to find out how much “Stress Cushioning” you

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Physical symptoms of Stress 1

Do you recognize two or more of the following in yourself or someone close to you? If so it needs to be tackled immediately. a. Have your eating habits changed?

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World ‘No Tobacco Day’ 1

Tobacco consumption and its deadly effects on human health is one of the largest areas of concern, for public health, in countries across the world. According to the World Health

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Summer heat is on! The best defense is protection and awareness. Here are a few tips which you must follow. 1

Never leave people in a parked car in the sun. Avoid drinking liquids with high sugar content. Cool buttermilk or just plain water will help your body cool. Remember to

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What’s all this buzz about Quinoa? 1

Quinoa or Seemai Thinai in Tamil boasts of giving 14 gms of complete protein, per half cup, apart from 9 essential amino acids. Isn’t that reason enough? Quinoa has lysine,

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The Benefits of Exercise 1

Exercise improves your fitness and well being in many ways. For example it: 1. Reduces stress and tension and aids  relaxation 2. Increases strength and stamina 3. Improves sleep 4.

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