Effect of Technology on Children
Remember the days when you were around 10 and you would run around the yard for hours with your friends playing some game or some sport, sweat and go back
Read More6 Categories of Sleep Disorders
Catching sufficient sleep every day / night, is important for the physical and emotional well being of our body. Sleep is not about resting our body or taking a break
Read MoreHow to keep your baby safe at home
Safety of the Baby – Your Top Priority! The littlest feet make the biggest footprints in our hearts… When it comes to your precious baby, safety always takes the first
Read MoreVaccinations for adults and senior citizens
Dr. Ashwin Subramaniam, Consultant Internal Medicine and Diabetology talks about the types of vaccinations which avoid infections in adults. Kauvery Hospital is globally known for its multidisciplinary services at
Read MoreIs your child getting hyperactive due to eating sweet goodies?
You must have seen children at birthday parties arriving as gentle, polite humans and transform into uncontrollable little devils after the goodies are eaten. The general belief is that giving
Read MoreWhat are the benefits of doing cardio exercises like Running?
Benefits of Cardio Exercise Cardiovascular exercises get your heart pumping and make you sweat a lot. They increase your heart rate and increase blood circulation. Cardio exercises are very important
Read MoreYogic Chakras for Health
Chakras are the vortexes of energy in the subtle body. There are 7 key points and blocking of a chakra, releases the emotional, physical and mental imbalances that manifest as
Read MoreWhat is your stress score?
How many of the following life crises have youexperienced in the last six months? Add up your score on this events table to find out how much “Stress Cushioning” you
Read MorePhysical symptoms of Stress
Do you recognize two or more of the following in yourself or someone close to you? If so it needs to be tackled immediately. a. Have your eating habits changed?
Read MoreWorld ‘No Tobacco Day’
Tobacco consumption and its deadly effects on human health is one of the largest areas of concern, for public health, in countries across the world. According to the World Health
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