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Testing for Abnormal Blood Flow with Doppler Ultrasound 1

Any abnormality in a person’s blood flow can lead to a number of health issues, many of which could be serious in nature. It is for this reason that blood

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What is a Dexa Scan and how is it done? 2

A DEXA scan is a quick and painless procedure to measure bone density in the centre of the skeleton. A large scanning arm is passed over the body to check

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Interventional Radiology Treatment of Acute Cholecystitis 1

Percutaneous Cholecystostomy is a minimally invasiver technique for the treatment of acute cholecystitis.  We recently performed the procedure for an elderly gentleman suffering with severe abdominal pain. With help of ultrasound

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3D Imaging of Upper Respiratory Tract 1

MDCT with volume acquisition enables the 3D reconstruction of complex anatomical regions such as the upper respiratory tract.  With this, we can visualise the paranasal sinuses, the nasopharynx, velopharynx, oropharynx

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Ultrasound Therapy 1

Ultrasound therapy is given for soft tissue injury to reduce inflammation, swelling and pain. Used as an adjunct to the primary care in the acute stage. In the chronic state,

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Interventional Radiology Management of Hemoptysis (Coughing up blood) 3

Massive hemoptysis Massive hemoptysis (coughing up blood) is a life threatening condition with a mortality rate of 50 to 85 percent with conservative management. embolization. Asphyxiation and less commonly exsanguination are

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