The global Covid-19 pandemic has brought the world closer like no other event has done in the recent past. A global supply chain has emerged to disseminate masks, PPE kits and medicines to different parts of the globe. Many pharmaceutical companies are working on vaccines with 5 of these vaccine candidates in advanced stage of development. India will be one of the first countries in the world to roll-out a mass-vaccination program starting January 2021.
However, vaccinating a large population will take time and resources. Till such time, new strains or mutants of the virus may emerge and infect people. People must continue the same precautionary measures in 2021 as in the past year: social distancing, using masks and washing hands with soap and water frequently. However, there are other aspects of the pandemic story that may change in 2021, according to experts.
Today, tests being conducted to detect the covid-19 virus are of 2 types. A PCR (polymerize chain reaction) test can detect even the most minute traces of the virus in a sample, but would take hours or days for the results to be . The other option is an antigen test that can detect the virus in roughly 75% of the samples and miss the rest. But this is quick and cost-effective. Both these tests are done at diagnostic laboratories, government centres, and approved hospitals.
In 2021, the antigen tests will become more popular and better effective than in 2020. Further, small, palm-sized devices will emerge that will help you do a Covid test by yourself at home. By mid-2021, these devices will be used by a lot of people, government agencies and employers to quickly screen-out possible Covid patients. Younger and healthier people who test positive with such a test can quarantine themselves while older people with or without co-morbidities who test positive can go for a second opinion to a lab.
Airports, hotels, restaurants, govt offices and private establishments will also use these devices to screen out possible patients and keep the safe. This is more effective than the temperature scan which is inadequate. This way, business can be conducted as usual while minimizing the risk.
2020 saw several rules or restrictions about socializing, with each country or state following its own norms. 2021 will see some relaxation in these rules. People will be allowed to mingle at the workplace or social get-togethers provided they avoid the 3 Cs: crowding, close-contact and confined spaces. These 3 Cs increase the risk of exposure to and infection from the virus. One should maintain a 3 to 6 feet distance all-around and all the time. And in case the venue looks crowded, it’s best to leave the place immediately.
Even after the vaccines are rolled out and the pandemic is over, good hygiene must be practiced at all times. Continue to wash hands frequently and maintain social distance.
The UK and other parts of the world including India have reported cases of the new mutant virus. More mutants may emerge in the months ahead. But scientists and doctors are unanimous in that the vaccines being rolled out will be effective in tackling one or more mutants. This gives hope to the general public and some relief to the healthcare sector that has been stressed by the pandemic. Just follow the same precautions that you did in 2020. This and the vaccine would ensure our return to pre-Covid life is faster, smoother, and less of a hassle in 2021 compared to 2020.
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