Fungi are unique microorganisms that feed on organic matter and are found abundantly in nature. They are present in the soil, water, air, on the surface or inside the bodies of plants and animals including human beings. Common types of fungus are yeast, mold and mushrooms.
Like most microorganisms, there are both beneficial or friendly fungi and harmful or toxic ones. When such harmful fungus or fungi try to invade one or more surfaces of the human body, the condition is called fungal infection or mycosis.
Mycosis can occur when fungi from outside the body invade one or more surfaces of the body. Or when fungi inside the body multiply out of control due to a weakened immune system. Fungal infections can lead to serious complications, and further, they are contagious. When a person comes in close contact with another who has fungal spores in his/her lungs, breathing that air can cause them to inhale those spores.
When people have excessive physical contact with an infected person as with close friends, family or sexual partners, they can get infected too. Touching some surface rich in fungal spores also increases the risk. Further, since fungi thrive in warm and humid climates, it’s easy to understand why fungal infections develop or spread so quickly.
Mycosis is of different types, affecting different tissues of the body. For the purpose of this article, we will cover the most common fungal infections, while mentioning less common ones.
Athlete’s foot
Athlete’s foot or Tinea pedis is the most common type of fungal infection caused by a type of fungi called dermatophytes. It’s common in hot climates especially in tropical countries like India. The condition manifests as blisters, sores, or as cracked or peeling skin between toes and the underside of toes. In rare cases, the toenails and underside of the feet are also affected. The area can cause a burning or stinging sensation when water falls on it, while being itchy rest of the time.
The name is misleading as anybody can develop athlete’s foot. Anybody whose feet is damp and warm for long periods of time can develop the condition. Wearing socks and shoes for several hours continuously during warm weathers, walking on wet floors (as in gyms, swimming pools, public showers, locker rooms), wading through water (as in household work, playing in water bodies), etc. can all make you vulnerable to the condition. Even sharing towels or clothes of an infected person can make you pick up spores and hence the condition.
Treatment for athlete’s foot includes anti-fungal medication that are available over the counter. These are either creams, lotions or powders that can be applied on the affected area(s). The first two are preferable for application over body surfaces but the latter is suitable for application along body folds.
Jock’s itch
As the name implies, Jock’s itch or Tinea cruris affects the groin area. It is caused by dermatophytes and manifests as redness, cracking or flaking skin on the groin, inner thighs and buttocks. There is a burning sensation while bathing and the rashes can get worse with exercising. The condition is more common in men or boys but some women or girls may also develop it.
Treatment for Jock’s itch includes anti-fungal medication that are available over the counter. These are either creams, powders or lotions that can be applied or sprayed on the affected area(s). If the condition doesn’t improve the doctor may prescribe stronger medication or even anti-biotics.
Like athlete’s foot and jock’s itch, ringworm is also caused by dermatophytes. The condition manifests as round and reddish patches of flaky, itchy skin in damp and warm parts of the body. Sometimes the patches become blisters and ooze liquid. If ringworms happen on the scalp, it causes small, bald patches. If it occurs on the nails, the nails appear thick, discolored or cracked.
Treatment is in the form of anti-fungal creams, sprays or powders that must be applied topically on the affected areas. More than one fungicide may be prescribed for different parts of the body. The doctor may also prescribe oral medication if the condition worsens.
Oral Thrush
Yeast is one of the types of fungus and Candida albicans is a type of yeast that is present in small quantities on the skin of a healthy person. However, when they multiply out of control, it causes what is called yeast infection. When the infection happens in the mouth, gastrointestinal tract and skin around the mouth, the condition is called Oral thrush. This is characterized by white patches inside the mouth and throat.
Treatment is oral medication in the form of pills, mouthwash and chewable lozenges.
Vaginal Yeast infection
The above yeast infection caused by Candida albicans can occur on the genitals of men, which is quite rare, and inside the vagina of women, which is more common. The person will experience redness, swelling, pain and itchiness inside the vagina. Some women have clumpy discharges from the vagina.
Treatment is anti-fungal creams or a vaginal suppository. People experiencing a lot of pain may be prescribed oral medication as well as probiotics. Probiotic supplements help restore the microbial balance in the body.
Toenail Infection
Onchomycosis or Tinea unguium is a fungal infection that affects the toenails, finger-nails and nail-beds. Initially, the condition starts out as a small, light-colored spot on one of the toenails. Gradually this spreads to other toes, with the nails changing shape and color. The nails become thick, brittle, flaky and crumbly. There may be scales and white or yellow streaks under the nail. In some cases, the nail may lift off the nail bed.
Treatment includes oral, antifungal pills or a medicated nail polish that must be painted on the nails.
Other types of Fungal Infecion
- Blastomycosis: caused by the fungus Blastomyces found in US and Canada
- Cryptococcus gattii infection caused by fungus of the same name, found in US, Pacific Northwest, and British Columbia
- Paracoccidioidomycosis: caused by the fungus Paracoccidioides, found in Central and South America
- Coccidioidomycosis (Valley Fever): caused by Coccidioides, found in southwestern US, Mexico, Central and South America
- Histoplasmosis: caused by the fungus Histoplasma found in the environment, where is large amounts of bird or bat droppings
- Aspergillosis: caused by Aspergillus, a common mold that lives indoors and outdoors
- Candida auris infection: a multidrug-resistant fungus found in hospitals and clinics
- Invasive candidiasis: affects the blood, heart, brain, eyes and bones in hospitalized patients
- Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP): caused by the fungus Pneumocystis jirovecii
- Candidiasis: when the candida fungus found inside the body grows uncontrollably
- Cryptococcus neoformans infection: affects the brain, causing meningitis, common in people with HIV/AIDS
- Mucormycosis: the famous Black fungus condition caused by the fungus mucor
- Talaromycosis: caused by fungus Taloromyces, found in Southeast Asia, southern China, and eastern India
- Fungal eye infections: after an eye injury or eye surgery
- Sporotrichosis: caused by the fungus Sporothrix, which is found in the soil and on plants
- Mycetoma: caused by certain fungi found in soil and water, in Africa, Latin America, and Asia
Reviewed by Dr Suresh S Venkita, Group Medical Director, Kauvery Hospitals
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