6 Interesting Facts About Plastic Surgery That Is Not Commonly Known

6 Interesting Facts About Plastic Surgery That Is Not Commonly Known
January 09 06:02 2020 by admin Print This Article

Hear the words ‘plastic surgery’ and immediately our mind conjures up images of movie stars undergoing various procedures to make themselves more attractive. Thus plastic surgery is often perceived as an aesthetic procedure alone. This is untrue and similar to this there are other misconceptions too regarding plastic surgery.  The aim of this article is to dispel the various myths and make known some facts regarding plastic surgery.

Fact No.1:

Plastic surgery is not a purely aesthetic procedure.

Plastic surgery falls into two categories, cosmetic and reconstructive. While we all know about the more popular cosmetic surgeries (rhinoplasty, breast augmentation, liposuction, etc.) what we don’t often hear about is reconstructive surgery. These reconstructive surgeries are those which are done for babies born with a cleft upper lip; soldiers injured during warfare too benefit from reconstructive surgeries. Another example is reconstructive surgery being performed on burns victims. These are but a few examples of plastic surgery aiding in the betterment of the quality of life.

Fact No.2:

Plastic surgery does not involve the use of plastic.

Plastic surgery gets its name from the Greek word ‘plastikos’ meaning malleable or mouldable and not because it involves the use of plastic. The materials that are used as implants during plastic surgery are silicone, Gore-Tex and Medpor with silicone being the most common. Grafts too are used in some cases in place of implants. These grafts are taken from the patient’s body (ear cartilage being one example) and hence are not rejected by the body.

Fact No.3:

Silicone breast implants do not increase the risk of breast cancer.

There is a common misconception that silicone breast implants lead to breast cancer. There have been studies conducted which have proven that the risk of breast cancer does not increase with silicone implants. This being said, if there is any pain or discomfort after getting breast implants it is best to consult your doctor immediately.

Fact No.4:

Plastic surgery will not stop the aging process.

After getting a procedure done, people will continue to age. Plastic surgery will not stop or slow down aging. Aging will depend on various factors like lifestyle, diet, exercise, etc.

Fact No.5:

Plastic surgery is not completely scar free.

Like all surgeries, plastic surgery too leaves behind scars. However, plastic surgeons are skilled at not only minimizing but also hiding the scars effectively. For example, when a facelift is done, the scar is hidden around the ear area where it is less noticeable. Scars are also hidden among wrinkles so that it gives a natural appearance.

Fact No.6:

Plastic surgery has neither gender nor age barriers.

Though there is a common perception that only women undergo plastic surgery, this is untrue. Nowadays more and more men are getting procedures like liposuction, gynecomastia, etc. done as well. Plastic surgery is not age dependent. Though doctors advise against children undergoing cosmetic procedures as they are still growing, reconstructive procedures are carried out across all age groups. It has been noted that the majority of people undergoing plastic surgery fall in the 35-50 years age category.

With modern medicine growing in leaps and bounds, plastic surgery has come a long way from what it was in the 80s and 90s. However, it is best to have a detailed discussion with your doctor and get to know all the benefits and risks before undergoing a procedure.


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  1. Samual Matt
    April 24, 07:03 #1 Samual Matt

    Very nice blog thank you for sahring with us.

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  2. Dr Mark Kohout Plastic Sugeon
    October 12, 08:06 #2 Dr Mark Kohout Plastic Sugeon

    Thanks for the valuable information

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  3. Gagan
    February 27, 06:41 #3 Gagan

    thank you for providing informative knowledge about plastic surgery.

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  4. Miss Meyo
    November 25, 08:39 #4 Miss Meyo

    a very excellent blog which really cleared my minor misconceptions regarding plastic surgery great effort sir thank you so much and lots of love from Pakistan.

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  5. Barbie
    March 15, 02:40 #5 Barbie

    To read that article you wrote about your taking the time to give a young bride a toenail prior to her wedding was a beautiful article. Everything you wrote about was describing me as a young girl and how I felt. Yes one’s nail is very important. My great toenail was worked on by a podiatrist who left my nail narrow and deformed looking. I was teased my as a child and my self esteem was destroyed. It made me shy and i never worn sandals to this day. To read your article was so wonderful. I wish there was a doctor like you in the United States. You are a miracle as far as I am concerned. I have reached out to many plastic surgeons who told me that this procedure was not possible.


    Barbara S.from Massachusetts, United States


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