World Health Day 2012

April 06 09:47 2012 Print This Article

World Health Day:
07 April is World Health Day.  The topic of World Health Day in 2012 is Ageing and health with the theme “Good health adds life to years” The focus is how good health throughout life can help older men and women lead full and productive lives and be a resource for their families and communities. Ageing concerns each and every one of us – whether young or old, male or female, rich or poor – no matter where we live.

Healthy Living as We Age!
Health is defined as “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity,” by the W.H.O. Today- as we celebrate World Health Day – It would be helpful to see how our seniors can stay “Healthy”.

Seniors today have spent their entire lives’ so far caring for their families and extended families. Now – it is time to sit down, relax and chart out a new way of life for them. Caring for self means understanding one’s physical well being as well as mental (emotional) & social well being. It can be done by recognizing ones health needs.

Self-Care for Seniors:

  • Physical: taking care of health conditions such as Blood pressure, Diabetes, Heart, and others conditions, having regular health check up, meet your family physician regularly for follow up.
  • Emotional & mental well being: Understanding & accepting Aging as a normal process, and continue to have enthusiasm for life. Understanding that being retired or staying home does not have to become “loneliness”. Finding ways to keep one engaged in things you were not able to do when working (being employed) or in ones’ younger days, finding new hobbies other than regular routine. e.g. Painting, Handicrafts, Yoga, Meditation, Visualization, and Relaxation.
  • Social: creating a supportive social network, having contact with friends and families, volunteering in the community, & being of service.

As our seniors learn new ways to live & enjoy Life as they age – the Golden years – will become Healthy each and every day!

Kauvery Hospital and World Health Day:

At Kauvery hospital, we take special care to look after our ageing seniors everyday.  To mark this special occasion, we are organising  a special celebration at our hospital for Septuagenarians. We encourage them to lead and live the right kind of life and add life to years.

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Kauvery Hospital is globally known for its multidisciplinary services at all its Centers of Excellence, and for its comprehensive, Avant-Grade technology, especially in diagnostics and remedial care in heart diseases, transplantation, vascular and neurosciences medicine. Located in the heart of Trichy (Tennur, Royal Road and Alexandria Road (Cantonment), Chennai, Hosur, Salem, Tirunelveli and Bengaluru, the hospital also renders adult and pediatric trauma care.

Chennai – 044 4000 6000 • Trichy – Cantonment – 0431 4077777 • Trichy – Heartcity – 0431 4003500 • Trichy – Tennur – 0431 4022555 • Hosur – 04344 272727 • Salem – 0427 2677777 • Tirunelveli – 0462 4006000 • Bengaluru – 080 6801 6801