If you are pondering over the idea of learning to say ‘no’ for your own good, why not start with all the colas that gives you enough reasons to do so. Though there is already a lot of awareness on how bad colas are, a lot of people continue to consume them. The aim of this article is to keep you away from colas forever. While a lot of people succumb to its bubbly appeal, the consequences of drinking it are adverse.
So, how do these aerated drinks affect your body?
No Nutritional Value:
Filled with sugar and calories, colas have zero nutritional value. This holds true for diet colas too. Even plain water rehydrates your body without adding any additional calories. For quenching your thirst on a hot summer afternoon, do opt for fresh juices instead of colas.
Colas Contribute to Obesity and Diabetes:
The next time you take a look at your growing waistline, do give credit to that glass of cola you have been drinking. Colas are loaded with fructose corn syrup, the sweetener that is linked to obesity. Consumption of colas also leads to Type 2 diabetes and increases the risk of cardiac diseases. Increase in appetite, difficulty in losing weight and a tougher time maintaining ideal weight are all related to cola intake.
- Adverse Effect on Teeth: Carbonic acid, through carbonation in both regular and diet colas, is responsible for weakened tooth enamel and tooth decay. Additionally, the sugar content pairs up with the bacteria in the mouth and forms an acid layer on the teeth giving rise to cavities.
Colas Damage Kidneys:
Researchers have found that consuming two soft drinks per day for three years results in abnormal quantities of protein in urine which leads to kidney damage.
- Colas Weaken Your Bones: The agents of osteoporosis, phosphorus and caffeine, are both found in most colas. Also, fructose in cola is known to increase uric acid level in blood. A high level of uric acid is the major cause of painful and swollen joints.
- Colas Put Your liver at Risk: Fructose as a sweetening agent can only be metabolized by the liver. When you consume a lot of cola, this fructose turns into fat and gets deposited in the liver, leading to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
- Cancerous Nature of Fizzy Drinks: Studies have found that there is a relation between fizzy drinks and cancer which results in pancreatic, prostate and breast cancer as per an article in The Telegraph.
Also Read: Impact of cutting out processed foods and refined carbohydrates
Right from the colour of these drinks to the ingredients, everything about colas is questionable. It is indeed high time that these bottles came with a health disclaimer. Still, most of us find it hard to resist these colas and end up with one of these bottles. The leap from an aerated drink to a healthy drink is a tough one, but one that will pay rich dividends in the long run. If you really want to take care of your body, you should start saying no to these colas from today!
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