Respiratory Tract Infections in children and treatment methods

by admin-blog-kh | February 3, 2023 6:16 am


Respiratory Tract Infections are a common condition with children in the age-group of 3 to 12 years. The Immune system of children are weaker compared to that of adults, so it’s easy to develop infections. While most infections are not very serious and can be easily managed, in some cases, they lead to complications or become fatal even. That is why, it’s important for parents and educators to be aware of them, so that timely action can be taken in the likelihood of infection.


The respiratory system starts at the nasal cavities, followed by the trachea or wind-pipe, the bronchi and bronchioles (collectively called ‘airways”) terminating in the alveoli of the lungs. The sinuses and throat are also part of this complex body-system[1]. Viral or bacterial infections can affect any part of this network, and they are called Respiratory Tract Infections (RTI). These are further divided into:

Children and RTIs

Children in the age-group of 2 to 12 are highly prone to RTIs. There are several reasons for this. To begin with, their immune systems are not as sturdy as that of adults. Secondly, they meet each other often at school and at play. Some of these infections spread through droplets in the air, so its easy to catch them. Further, when children come in contact with other infected children, and then touch their eyes, nose or mouth, the pathogens are easily ingested/inhaled into the body. Finally, children do not follow hand-washing routines as rigorously as adults do.

RTIs are quite common and create hassles for the child, parents, siblings, teachers and school-staff. Frequent bouts of RTI lead to missed days from school or play, and reduced performance. This in turn can affect their emotional health. Parents should be vigilant about signs and symptoms of RTIs, so that timely treatment can be provided.

Also Read: Complications arising out of Respiratory Disease[2]

Symptoms of RTIs caused by viruses

When to see a doctor

How are RTIs diagnosed?

Common RTIs and their treatment

Also Read: RSV leading cause of respiratory infections in children[5]

NOTE: Take medications only when prescribed by your doctors, self-medication must be avoided under any circumstances.

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  1. The sinuses and throat are also part of this complex body-system:
  2. Complications arising out of Respiratory Disease:
  3. due to swollen lymph nodes:
  4. Lung function test to see how the lungs are working:
  5. RSV leading cause of respiratory infections in children:

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