- Liver triple phase contrast study
- Pancreatic mass evaluation
- CT Mesenteric angiogram
- Peritoneal Biopsy
- Ascitic fluid aspiration
- Treatment of vertebral compression fractures with vertebroplasty
- Embolization of AV malformation
- Embolization of Vein of Galen, Carotico cavernous fistula
- Cerebral aneurysm coiling
- CT Perfusion in stroke management and vascular emergencies
- CT Colonography
- Cardiac CT
- CT Calcium Scoring
- Coronary CT Angiography
- CT Liver Volumetry
- Bone Subtraction CT Angiography
- High frequency musculoskeletal ultrasound
- CT arthrography
- 3D CT of Bone and joints
- Image guided Injections
- Percutaneous vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty
- CT guided Biopsy
- Diagnostic
- Screening
- Preoperative wire localization
- FNAC, Core biopsy
- Acute stroke imaging
- CT perfusion
- CT cerebral angiogram
- Digital Subtraction cerebral angiogram
- RF ablation of liver tumour, Lung tumour, Osteoid Osteoma, Renal cancer
- Image guided biopsy
- Celiac plexus ablation
- Ultrasound of Pyloric stenosis
- Reduction of intussusceptions
- Pediatric hip ultrasound
- Voiding cysto urethrogram
- Barium studies
- Neurosonography
- Renal/ureteric stone screening
- Lung cancer screening
- 3D Imaging
- Virtual colonoscopy
- Virtual bronchoscopy
- Ultra low dose CT
- CT evaluation of Lung nodule
- Lung biopsy
- Pleural fluid aspiration
- RF ablation of lung cancer
- Chest ultrasound
- Intravenous urography
- Ascending urethrography
- Retrograde pyelography
- Micturating Cysto Urethrography
- CT KUB – Ultra low dose
- CT Renal Angiogram
- DSA – Renal angiogram
- Pre operative embolization of renal cell carcinoma
- Hysterosalpingography
- Real-time Contrast enhanced USG and PET fusion for lesion detection.
- Virtual Navigator automatic vascular detection and segmentation with Auto-Fusion
- Precise lesion detection and guidance with Virtual Biopsy
- Breast BodyMap and real-time ElaXto in Mammo
- HD zoom trans-cranial vascularization analysis with microV
- Haemodynamics analysis using microV on kidney
- XFlow Doppler enhancement in liver vascularization
- QElaXto 2D shearwave elastography in liver
- Enterography
- Enteroclysis
- Barium swallow
- Barium meal
- Barium enema
- Gastrograffin study
- Colonic transit study
- Virtual colonoscopy
- Angioplasty for lower limb ischemia
- Chemoembolization of tumors
- Uterine fibroid embolization
- Preoperative embolization of renal cancer
- Bronchial artery embolization for life threatening hemoptysis
- Carotid and vertebral Doppler
- Duplex scan for Varicose veins
- Doppler study for DVT
- Digital subtraction angiogram
- Mesenteric arterial doppler
- Portal vein Doppler study
- Percutaneous Transhepatic Cholangiogram
- Percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage
- Biliary stenting
- Transarterial Chemo embolization for Hepato cellular carcinoma
- Percutaneous cholecystostomy
- Examination of ligament tears to cartilage degeneration with high-resolution imaging and a wide range of dedicated coils.
- Seamless patient setup and state-of-the-art imaging performance for C-Spine, T-Spine, L-Spine, and Whole Spine.
- Sub-millimetre resolution, different FatSat techniques, iPAT, or DWI (Diffusion weighted imaging) to offer a wide range of possibilities.
- Depiction of vessel diseases with contrast and non-contrast enhanced techniques.
- Streamlined workflow in clinical breast cases, including lobular cancer, breast implant assessment and therapy monitoring.
- Excellent contrast and resolution with age dependent protocols, using ultra-fast and motion correction techniques.