Cranial (Skull) Fractures

Cranial (Skull) Fractures

Any break in the cranial bone, also known as the skull, is known as a skull fracture. A major cause for a cranial fracture is a head trauma that is strong enough to cause a break in the skull. Brain injury might occur along with a fracture but not always. In people with a skull fracture, brain damage might be more severe. The severity of the fracture depends on the location and type of the fracture.

What are the symptoms of cranial fractures?

Cranial fractures are usually hard to spot as the symptoms may appear immediately or within 24 hours of the head trauma

Swelling (bump) and tenderness around the area of impact
Localized pain in the head
Bleeding from eyes
Bleeding from wound, ears, nose, or around eyes
Changes in pupils
Changes in pupils (sizes unequal, not reactive to light)
Blurred vision 1
Blurred vision
Confusion 1
Difficulties with balance
Difficulties with balance
fluid from ears
Drainage of clear or bloody fluid from ears or nose
Excessive drowsiness
Excessive drowsiness
Worsening headache
Neck pain 1
Neck pain or stiffness
Loss of consciousness
Loss of consciousness
Restlessness 1
Restlessness, irritability
Slurred speech 1
Slurred speech
Neck pain 1
Stiff neck
Visual disturbances
Visual disturbances

Skull fractures can be classified according to their severity and the damage they cause.

The different types of skull fracture include:

  • Simple fracture
  • Linear fracture
  • Depressed fracture
  • Compound fracture

Some skull fractures can lead to bleeding or swelling in the brain, which can compress the underlying brain tissue and thereby result in brain damage.

There can be various causes for a skull fracture but the most common are the following

  • A strong impact or a blow to the head
  • Head injury
  • Falls
  • Automobile accidents
  • Physical assault
  • Sports

A cranial fracture might be diagnosed in physical examination of the head or the trauma site. But to be able to diagnose the extent and exact nature of the damage various diagnostic tests should be performed.

Diagnostic tests

  • X – rays
  • CT or CAT scan
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRIs)

The treatment for cranial fractures depends upon the location and severity of the fracture.

Treatment might include

  • Pain medication for mild fractures
  • Neurosurgery for more serious injuries