oncology intro

Cancer is well on its way to becoming a chronic disease, like diabetes or Hypertension, which one can manage, control, or even cure. HIV/AIDS is a case in comparison. Once thought to be a dreaded disease, with no prospect of control, or treatment of its complications, has since evolved into a manageable disease. Patients can now look forward to a good quality of life thanks to the availability of drugs which India can rightfully claim to have greatly contributed by economically producing drugs of high quality.

Cancer diagnosis can be devastating to the patient as well as to the entire family which can put them into extreme levels of anxiety, fear, and confusion.

We at Kauvery Cancer Centre not only have a complete understanding of cancer and its management but also of the state of helplessness and hopelessness the patient and the family feel as they negotiate the uncertainties that lie ahead.

At Kauvery Cancer Centre, our team of highly trained, skilled, and experienced doctors includes surgical oncologists, medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, and haemato-oncologists. They, along with well-trained supporting staff, are dedicated to making every effort in offering high-quality, patient-centred, comprehensive, and compassionate cancer care. That care, based on evidence-based medicine, and through a multidisciplinary approach tailored to the patient, will help the patient and the family to complete the treatment successfully, with the aim to control and cure. We are committed to providing the best possible medical care with state-of-the-art infrastructure, well-trained staff, and psychological support throughout the course of the treatment period. This shall be followed by an appropriate rehabilitation program to guide the cancer – survivors to rejoin their loving families and society as healthy individuals.

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    • Head and Neck cancers: Oral cavity, thyroid, larynx, hypopharynx and parotid tumours.
    • Breast Cancer.
    • Thoracic cancers: Lung cancers and mediastinal tumours.
    • Gastrointestinal Cancers: Oesophagus, stomach, colorectal and small bowel tumours.
    • Haepato-Biliary cancers: Liver, pancreas, gall bladder and biliary duct cancers.
    • Urological cancers: Kidney, urinary bladder, testicular tumours and penile cancers.
    • Gynaecological cancers: Cervix, ovary, uterine and vulval cancers.
    • Musculoskeletal: Bone tumours and soft tissue sarcomas.
    • Skin cancers: Melanomas and other skin tumours.
    • Paediatric cancers.
    • Leukaemia and Lymphomas.
    • Palliative care for all cancers.
    • Availability of full time surgical oncologist, medical oncologist, radiation oncologist and haemato-oncologist on all days a week.
    • 24*7 service offered for any oncological emergencies.
    • Precise diagnosis within 5 working days from the first day of visit to the hospital and treatment started at the earliest.
    • After confirming diagnosis the treatment plan is decided after a thorough multidisciplinary discussion ( Tumor Board) with surgical, medical, radiation and haemato oncologists to get the best possible outcome for the patient.
    • All patients will receive psychological and nutritional counselling before starting treatment, and throughout the treatment period.
    • Screening Clinic for breast cancer and cervix cancer.
    • Preventive oncology clinic for creating awareness on prevention of cancers.
    • Hereditary cancer clinic for counselling and genetic testing for patients with or suspected to have hereditary or familial cancers.
    • Head and neck cancer screening
    • Tobacco de-addiction clinic for patients to help them quit tobacco use.
    Kauvery Hospital