- Plastic Surgery
- Neurosurgery
- Ophthalmology
- Nephrology
- Gastroenterology
- Orthopaedics
- Cardiology
- Pulmonology
- Otorhinolaryngology
- Endocrinology
Plastic Surgery
Plastic Surgery
Our team of Plastic surgeons are well experienced and internationally acclaimed. We offer world-class plastic surgical care for children at this renowned centre of excellence. We are proud to have to our credit various success stories with proper support from anaesthetists, well equipped operation theatre and well monitored postoperative ward. We excel in all paediatric practices from simple to rare cases. We also excel in the management of burns with extraordinary outcome. We work closely with other specialist departments including dermatology, otolaryngology, neurosurgery, orthopaedics and paediatric surgery. We have the backing of an enthusiastic and motivated nursing department.
- Exclusive paediatric Burns Unit
- Collagen application / skin grafting
- Limb reconstruction surgery
- Cleft lip /cleft palate surgery
- Congenital limb anomalies
- Craniofacial surgery
- Facial deformity
- Congenital hand reconstruction
- Ear reconstruction
- Dermatological surgery
The Neurosurgery department ably supported by full time neurologists and interventional radiologists is a one of a kind unit in Trichy. The team is made up of fully trained neurosurgeons as well as adequate paramedical support. The fully equipped neurosurgery theatre with high end microscope, India’s only mininvent endoscopy system, advanced neuro navigation unit “NavI3” and Intra operative neuro monitoring truly make it a safe place for not only paediatric but also neonatal surgery.
Congenital birth defects including hydrocephalus, Spinal dyraphisms and craniosynostosis are managed here routinely with extremely good results. Paediatric trauma treatment and oncology are also undertaken here. Good post operative care and rehabilitation make the department complete.
- 24*7 neurosurgeon availability
- Mininvent endosocopy
- Advanced neuro navigation unit “Navl3”
- Intra operative neuro monitoring
- Paediatric head trauma management
- Congenital birth defects management includes
- Hydrocephalus
- Spinal dyraphisms
- Craniosynostosis
We have a team of highly skilled and experienced Paediatric Ophthalmologists committed to delivering high quality eye care in paediatrics and neonatology.
- Routine screening and follow up for retinopathy of prematurity in high risk neonates
- Treatment of retinopathy of prematurity by laser photocoagulation and intravitreal anti-VEGF therapy
- Early detection, medical management and surgical correction of the following paediatric ophthalmological disorders – Refractive errors, squint, cataract, congenital nystagmus, ptosis
- Comprehensive treatment for common paediatric ophthalmic disorders
Our Paediatric Nephrology & Renal transplantation team is well versed in managing renal problems in newborn and children. Various congenital problems like contracted kidneys, anomalies, acute kidney injuries in preterm and term neonates are treated with the support of neonatologists. Renal problems in children like nephrotic syndrome, nephritis, chronic renal disease and hypertension are managed by our experts. Our consultants are expertised in peritoneal dialysis, hemodialysis and plasmapheresis with the support of round the clock intensivists.
- Peritoneal dialysis
- Hemodialysis
- Plasamapharesis
- Renal biopsy
- Hypertension management
Our Paediatric Gastroenterology & Liver Transplantation division has expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of neonates, children and adolescents with a wide range of gastrointestinal, liver, nutritional and feeding problems as well as functional disorders. Complicated liver diseases like fulminant hepatic failure are managed well by our gastroenterologists with the support of highly equipped Paediatric Intensive care unit.
- Chronic diarrhea
- Chronic abdominal pain
- Inflammatory bowel disease
- Constipation & motility disorders
- Acute & chronic pancreatitis
- GI reflex & feeding issues
- Acute hepatitis & acute liver failure
- Chronic liver disease
- Metabolic liver diseases
- Liver biopsy
- Diagnostic & therapeutic endoscopy (UGI & Colonoscopy)
- Foreign body removal
- GI bleed management
- Polypectomy
- Liver transplantation
Our Paediatric Orthopaedic team is highly skilled and is lead by internationally acclaimed experts. The team is well qualified in diagnosing and treating the bone & joint problems in newborns, infants and children. Paediatric orthopaedic problems are intervened by our well experienced team with excellent outcome. Our team is supported by well equipped operation theatre, expert anaesthetist and highly monitored intensive care unit & post operative care unit.
- CTEV clinic –Accelerated Ponseti Method
- Congenital deformity corrections such as Vertical talus
- Preterm & term Neonates musculoskeletal infections treatment
- Septic arthritis – Arthroscopic treatment
- Paediatric limb reconstruction
- Ilizarov method of limb lengthening & correction
- French technique of minimal invasive fracture fixation
- Polytrauma – Multidisciplinary management
- Cerebral palsy – Multidisciplinary management
- Rehabilitation & Physiotherapy
Paediatric Cardiology
Cardiology division in kauvery hospital works to improve children’s cardiovascular health through a team approach. Cardiology division is well equipped with experienced cardiologists. The cardiologist team focuses on early detection and proper management of cardiac diseases of newborn and children. Many newborn babies and children with congenital & acquired cardiac diseases have been benefited from expertised treatment of our cardiologists with strong intensive care support. Various cardiac conditions including acyanotic and cyanotic heart diseases, arrhythmias, rheumatic heart diseases, Myocarditis, dilated cardiomyopathy and valvular heart diseases were treated in our hospital. Our cardiology team is well versed to handle extra-corporeal membrane oxygenation(ECMO).
- Bedside ECHO-round the clock
- Bedside ECG
- Habit counseling
- Paediatric Defibrillator / Cardioversion
- Well equipped intensive care monitoring
- Management of cardiac failure
- Management of arrhythmia
- Prostaglandin therapy
Various respiratory cases in newborn and children are managed by our pulmonology team. Cases like Congenital lung malformations, recurrent wheeze, recurrent & persistent pneumonia, tuberculosis etc. Are well managed by our team of experts. Rigid and flexible bronchoscopy is done by our expert consultants for infants too. There are numerous cases of foreign body removal procedures performed by our pulmonologist and ENT experts.
- Bronchoscopic Foreign body removal – 24×7
- Bronchoscopic alveolar lavage (BAL)
- Asthma clinic
- Spirometry
We offer comprehensive care of all disorders related to ear, nose, throat, head and neck region in newborn babies as well as older children. In addition to providing routine paediatric otorhinolaryngo care, our team of ENT experts treat complex paediatric ENT problems often working in multidisciplinary teams to achieve the highest level of care.
- Accurate screening test for hearing in neonates such as OAE, BERA
- Foreign body removal from upper aero digestive tract
- Bronchoscopy
- Otoscopy
- Nasal endoscopy
- Best treatment for common illnesses such as tonsillitis, sinusitis, ear infections using latest guidelines
Endocrinology division is well experienced in managing various endocrine problems in newborn babies, infants and children. Newborn problems like disorders of sexual differentiation, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, neonatal diabetes mellitus and congenital hypothyroidism are evaluated and managed timely by neonatologists. Our team includes endocrinologist, diabetologist, nutritionist, diabetic nurse & diabetic Educator, who are expertised in the management of Type 1 diabetes mellitus and its complications mainly diabetic ketoacidosis. Other problems like obesity, precocious and delayed puberty, short stature and syndromic endocrinal problems are evaluated and managed.
- Multi-disciplinary approach in the management of paediatric diabetes
- Comprehensive health diabetic check up
- Preventive & therapeutic paediatric care services
- Flash glucose monitoring
- Insulin pump therapy
- Intensive care facility for diabetic emergencies
- Regular health awareness counselling for diabetic patients and their families
- Newborn endocrine problems
- Obesity clinic
- Growth hormone therapy
- Dexamethasone suppression test
- Genetical analysis and Karyotyping