Our Specialities

Rheumatology, is devoted to the diagnosis and treatment of conditions and diseases affecting the joints, muscles, and bones. Our Rheumatologists deal mainly with clinical problems involving joints, soft tissues, certain autoimmune diseases, and the allied conditions of connective tissues. Essentially, they treat disorders that affect the musculoskeletal system. This includes many autoimmune diseases also. Investigations Hemoglobin, TCDC, ESR, Platelet Count, Blood Glucose Random, SGOT, SGPT, SAP, ANTI CCP, ANTI DS, DNA Ferritin Rheumatoid Factor.
If you are an international patient and would like an appointment,
please call us +91 78248 68600 or email us mvt@kauveryhospital.com
please call us +91 78248 68600 or email us mvt@kauveryhospital.com