Dr. S. Ravikumar
Consultant Surgical Gastroenterologist & Advanced Laparoscopic Surgeon
M.B.B.S., M.S., M.CH.(Gastro)
Surgical Gastroenterologist and Advanced Laparoscopic Surgeon

Professional Experience:
- Assistant Surgeon in Accident and Emergency Services, Coimbatore Medical College Hospital, Coimbatore
- Assistant Professor, Government Royapettah General Hospital, Chennai
- Superspeciality Postgraduate in Surgical Gastroenterology, Madras Medical College, Chennai
- Assistant Professor, Department of Surgical Gastroenterology, Government Mohan Kumaramangalam Medical College & Hospital, Salem, Tamilnadu
Surgical Skills
- Proficient in performing advanced laparoscopic and complex GI surgical procedures
Endoscopic Skills
- Upper GI Endoscopy – Diagnostic and Therapeutic
- Colonoscopy – Diagnostic and Therapeutic
- ERCP -CBD Stone Removal, CBD Stenting for Obstructive Jaundice
Research and Publication:
- Emergency Pancreaticoduodenectomy for Exsanguinating Ampullary Malignancy- Indian Crit
- End To End Hand Sewn Cervical Esophago Gastric Anastomosis Versus Semi Mechanical Stapled Anastomosis In Patients Undergoing Esophagectomy – A Retrospective Comparative Study Indian Journal Of Contemporary Study Medical Research.
- Management Of Gastrointestinal Surgical Disorders In Retroviral Patients – Experience From A Tertiary Care Centre In India – International Journal Of Scientific Research.
- Total Stapled Proximal Gastrectomy – For Giant Gastric Gist – University Journal Of Surgery & Surgical Specialties.
Specialty Experience
- Assistant Professor In The Dept. Of SGE, GMKMCH, Salem
- Consultant Surgical Gastroenterologist, Advanced Laparoscopic Surgeon – SPMM Hospital,Salem
Experience at Kauvery Hospital:
Consultant Surgical Gastroenterologist, GI Cancer Surgeon & Advanced Laparoscopic Surgeon – 7 Year
Procedure Performed:
- Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
- Laparoscopic Hernia Repair(Including Hiatus Hernia, Inguinal Hernia, Umbilical Hernia, Incisional Hernia)
- Laser hemorrhoidopexy ,Stapled Hemorrhoidectomy, Fistula Surgeries (Including Lift Procedure)
- All Emergency Surgeries(Including Bowel Obstruction, Perforation, Etc)
Special Procedures:
- VATS Esophagectomy For Carcinoma Esophagus
- Laparoscopic/Open D2 Gastrectomy For Gastric Cancer.
- Laparoscopic Colectomy For Carcinoma Colon
- laparoscopic Anterior / Low Anterior resection for carcinoma rectum
- Laparoscopic/Open Liver Resection
- Laparoscopic biliary drainage procedure
- Laparoscopic radical Cholecystectomy
- Whipple Procedure For CA Pancreas
- Frey /LPJ procedure For Chronic Pancreatitis
Bariatric Surgeries For Morbid Obesity:
- sleeve gastrectomy
- Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB)
Field of Interest:
Interest In GI Oncology & Special Interest In Pancreatic Surgeries
Future Vision
To Start DNB Course For Surgical Gastroenterology
- Expertise in Advanced Laparoscopic GI And Complex GI surgeries
- All GI Cancer Surgeries,
- Endoscopic & Colonoscopy Interventions
- ERCP Procedures
Professional Body Membership
- IMA, Salem
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