65-year-old male k/c/o carcinoma vocal cord which was diagnosed 10 months back for which he received radiotherapy and underwent microlaryngeal excision of laryngeal papilloma. Then he had h/o voice change for last 2 months and PET CT revealed SUBGLOTTIC GROWTH for which he was posted for Direct Laryngoscopy + biopsy.
THRIVE via HFNC has extended the apnoeic window by up to 65 minutes, while reducing the rise in rate of CO2.
By warming and humidifying the gas, high flow reduce the metabolic rate of respiration. Humidification prevent drying of secretions and thus reduce mucus plugging, atelectasis and hypoxia.
It implies minimal room air entrainment.
HFNO supplies positive airway pressure of approximately 1cmH2O per 10l/min flow rate.
This technique affords the luxury of time to think and utilize the other method of securing the airway while maintaining oxygenation and reduces the morbidity. One should be aware that this is not applicable in complete upper airway obstruction.
Both have risk for aspiration and desaturation, this technique is used for preoxygenation to decrease the apnoeic period. Used as an adjuvant to assist alveolar recruitment post extubation.
To provide an unobscured surgical field while maintaining oxygenation and anaesthesia during airway procedures including upper airway and larynx such as vocal cord biopsy, balloon dilatation, subglottic stenosis, bronchoscopy, endoscopy.
Used in conscious sedation procedures such as bronchoscopy , colonoscopy, gastroscopy where supplemental oxygen is required.
Hypercapnia is a valid concern as monitoring of end tidal co2 throughout the procedure is difficult.
THRIVE has improved our practice and patient safety in difficult airway. Combination of THRIVE with TIVA offers a good alternative to conventional anaesthesia with microlaryngeal tubes and jet ventilation in short airway procedures.
Dr Velmurugan Desingh Head of the Department, Department of Anaesthesiology Kauvery Hospital, Chennai
Dr S. Dhiveya Second Year DNB Resident, Department of Anesthesiology, Kauvery Hospital, Chennai