Bronchial blockers are inflatable devices that are passes through a single lumen tube to selectively occlude a bronchial orifice. First used by Sir Ivan Magill.
A 29-year-old female came with compliant of cough with expectoration on and off for past 2 years.. It is gradual in onset, sputum is whitish in colour, not blood tinged..
Associated with fever on & off. H/o weight loss +around 6 kg. No other significant history..
No known comorbidites
Ct chest showed – left lower intralobar sequestration with infective pathology Preoperative routine investigations were done. All are within normal limits…
Spirometry showed FEV1/FVC = 70 %.. Mild obstruction present
Abg @ Room air done. Pao2 = 88 mm hg, pc02 = 31 mm hg
Airway examination :
After preoperatively optimised, patient was posted for ROBOTIC LEFT LOWER LOBE LOBECTOMY
For this case, we are used EZ blocker for one lung ventilation.
Dr. KARTHICK RAJA Consultant of Anaesthesia Kauvery hospital, Chennai.
Dr. B. VARALAKSHMY 3rd year DNB Anaesthesia Resident Kauvery hospital, Chennai.