IMA Journal – July 2021

Message from Team IMA Chennai Kauvery Alwarpet Branch

Dear colleagues

Greetings and best wishes from IMA Chennai Kauvery Branch

As we are bracing ourselves to face the third wave of Covid, I congratulate the administration of Kauvery Hospital, Chennai for having become self-sufficient in managing its Oxygen needs. With the availability of all life saving drugs managing post Covid complications have become easier, yet we need to look for it in all patients.

Long live IMA.

Yours in IMA service,
Dr. S. Sivaram Kannan

This month’s IMA issue is yet another interesting read.

Let us continue to spread advocacy on vaccination and social distancing to this society in our fight against COVID-19.

Long live IMA.

Yours in IMA service,
Dr. Bhuvaneshwari Rajendran

Dear friends

It gives me immense pleasure to release our next IMA journal.

Thankful to all the consultants and post graduates for their active and enthusiastic contribution.

Long live IMA.

With best regards,
Dr. R. Balasubramaniyam

Safe spine surgery – steps to prevent complications and enhance safety in spine surgery

The sub-speciality of spine surgery is rapidly evolving in the last decade, and it encompasses simple lumbar discectomy to complex deformity and intradural surgeries. The resilient myth that “touching the spine is very dangerous” took enormous propaganda and extensive awareness programs to break, albeit only partially. At least one patient in our out-patient clinic, regardless of his/her education and socio-economic status, mentions this myth and expresses his/her fear about spine surgery. This may be because, although rare, complications from spine surgery are devastating and can make a person bed-ridden for life, metaphorically black dot in a white paper….

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Telemedicine : A lifeline in a time of crisis and beyond!

Wave 1: There are many new factors to consider, from the disease in question itself, the extent of damage it can cause, how to triage cases, allocate care, and manage the piling number of cases. These should be done while ensuring the judicious usage of the available resources.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that frontline workers at ground zero were akin to the brave soldiers battling it out at any war zone in history.

As we approached the end of 2020, the number of daily new cases decreased; it all seemed fine and normal around us, and we thought the worst was over.

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Mucormycosis Treatment and Nephrotoxicity

Mrs. NJ, a 65-year-old patient with diabetes and hypertension with IHD was brought to the ER in a drowsy state. She was hemodynamically stable, looked mildly dehydrated, and had no focal neurological deficits. There was no history of fever, convulsions, and head injury, and her investigations revealed that she was in severe renal failure – urea 290 mg% creatinine was 9 mg%, and her CBC, liver functions were normal. Her kidney size was normal on ultra-sonogram, and there was no gross proteinuria or microscopic hematuria on urine analysis. Her renal functions were normal 2 months before during a routine check-up.

This history and evaluation were suggestive of severe acute renal failure, the reason for which needed evaluation. She was taken on dialysis that improved her consciousness…

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A Rare Presentation of a Common Fungus

Case presentation

A 66-year-old lady presented to our emergency department with the following complaints:

  •  Decreased sensorium and drowsiness for 2 days
  •  Decreased oral intake for 2 days

Presenting illness

  • Patient presented with the complaints of altered sensorium and drowsiness for the past 2 days (since 14/5/21), sudden in onset and gradually progressive to the current state.

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An Interesting Case of Drug Overdosage

Case presentation

 A 65-year-old lady was brought with sudden onset of drowsiness associated with breathing difficulty and increased frequency of urination since the morning of 3\6\2021. The attendant saw her normal at 11:30pm on 2\6\2021

  • No H/o fever, cough, vomiting, loose stools, trauma, head injury, chest pain, palpitation, sweating, seizure,
  • H/o covishield vaccination 2nd dose completed on May 2021
  • Past medical history: The patient is a known hypertension and dyslipidemia case

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