IMA Journal – March 2024

Message from Team IMA Chennai Kauvery Alwarpet Branch

Dear Colleagues

Greetings from IMA Kauvery.

March has always been a month to create awareness on Women’s health.

Kauvery hospitals has always extended its support through IMA in conducting various camps to screen woman and educate them about early cancer signs, vaccination etc.

This edition is about case studies on kidney diseases and ortho surgeries.

A mix of articles contributed by the DNB postgraduates.

Thanks to our Nephrology and Orthopedic departments for their contributions.

Yours in IMA service,
Dr S Sivaram Kannan

This month’s IMA journal is coming out with yet another collection of exciting clinical cases from the departments of Nephrology and Orthopaedics.

Knowledge Is wealth.

Long live IMA.

Yours in IMA service,
Dr. Bhuvaneshwari Rajendran

Dear friends

Happy to present this edition of our IMA JOURNAL. This edition is contributed by the Department of Orthopedics and Nephrology.

Thankful to the postgraduates for their contributions and to the consultants for their motivation.

Thanks to the branding and editorial teams for getting the journal in time.

Your feedback and suggestions are appreciated.

With best regards
Dr. R. Balasubramaniyam

A Case of Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis Secondary to Eisenmengers Syndrome

Case Report

A 40 year old gentleman born out of a non consanguineous marriage via spontaneous vaginal delivery at term was diagnosed to have ventricular septal defect(VSD) at birth. He had history of recurrent fever episodes associated with cough and difficulty in feeding since 4 months of age. At 6 months of age he developed facial puffiness. He was managed as OP with diuretic and Lanoxin, after which he lost follow up. He remained asymptomatic till 17 years of age, when he developed worsening  shortness of breath and peripheral cyanosis. On evaluation he was found to have PAH with reversal of shunt – Eisenmengers syndrome due to which he was not advised surgery. Laboratory investigation revealed polycythemia with hemoglobin of 24mg/dl.

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Transplantation of cells, tissues, organs from one species to another is called xenotransplantation.


The success of organ transplantation has led to an ever-increasing shortfall between the demand for organs and the supply. This has led to an extensive investigation of the possible use of animals, especially the pig, as organ donors. However, a number of major barriers to successful xenotransplantation exist. These include immunological, physiological, anatomical, infectious and ethical problems. Of these hyper-acute rejection is the most common barrier in xenotransplant patients.

Alpha gal is a carbohydrate molecule found in mammalian cell membrane.

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Head salvaging fixation using Bilboquet Devices in Proximal Humerus Fractures- a novel alternative

Proximal humerus fractures, a frequent occurrence among older individuals with osteoporosis, pose challenges in management. The choice of surgical fixation becomes critical, especially when dealing with factors like fragmented bone and metaphyseal defects. While traditional internal fixation methods have been associated with mechanical failures, a novel approach utilizing Bilboquet type devices offers hope for improved outcomes.

Methods :

At Kauvery Hospital in Chennai, a retrospective study involving 14 patients who underwent Bilboquet fixation for proximal humerus fractures shed light on this innovative technique and its effectiveness.
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Total Hip Replacement in a Centenarian

Total hip replacement is a commonly performed surgery in the elderly population. The challanges we expect are the patient’s age, existing medical comorbidities, explaining the potential risks and benefits of the surgery.

The centenarian who sustained a neck of femur fracture following a fall presented to our emergency department with excruciating pain and difficulty in walking. Comprehensive examination and immediate attention was given to the patient and relevant xrays were taken.

Usually a neck of femur fracture would require a surgical management irrespective of the age.

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Pediatric Total Hip Arthroplasty – A Rare Case Report

Pediatric hip replacement, once considered a rare and challenging procedure, has witnessed significant advancements in recent years, offering hope and improved quality of life for young patients facing hip-related issues. While this type of surgery remains relatively uncommon in comparison to adult hip replacements, it has become a viable option for certain pediatric cases, providing a unique set of challenges and considerations for both patients and healthcare professionals. Pediatric hip replacement is typically recommended for children with severe hip joint disorders, congenital abnormalities, or developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) that cannot be effectively managed through non-surgical means. These conditions can lead to pain, limited mobility, and long-term joint damage, necessitating intervention to ensure proper growth and development.

A 13 year old girl from Ethiopia, the cradle of humanity, developed stiffness and pain in her left hip.

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Spacing strategies for patients undergoing bilateral total knee replacement – a comparison of approaches


Total knee replacement (TKR) surgery has revolutionised the management of advanced knee arthritis, offering patients renewed mobility and relief from chronic pain, thereby improving the quality of life. When both knees require surgical intervention, the timing of bilateral TKR procedures becomes a critical consideration.

Two approaches have been considered, performing bilateral TKR in the same sitting or spacing the surgeries 48 hours apart. Both methods have their advantages and drawbacks, and understanding these factors is crucial for patients.

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