Audit on pediatric Cholesteatoma

S. Lakshmipriya

ENT PG, Kauvery Hospital, Trichy, Cantonment

Editor’s Note: This paper is an adaptation of a presentation made at a clinical meeting


Anatomy of Ear

Ear consists of 3 parts

  • External ear
  • Middle ear
  • Internal ear

Middle ear contains 3 tiny bones – the ossicles

  • Malleus/Hammer
  • Incus/Anvil
  • Stapes/Stirrup

Middle ear is divided into

  • Epitympanum
  • Mesotympanum
  • Hypotympanum

Facial nerve leaves the brainstem at pontomedullary junction; it travels through the posterior cranial fossa and enters the IAM. At the fundus of the IAM, it takes a turn posteriorly forming a genu, from the genu the nerve passes backward above the oval window and below the SCC till the level of pyramidal eminence(2nd genu). The nerve continues vertically downward along the posterior wall of tympanic cavity and leaves the temporal bone through the stylomastoid foramen

What is cholesteatoma?

The presence of keratinized squamous epithelium in middle ear or mastoid is characteristic of cholesteatoma – “Skin in the wrong place”

The term ‘cholesteatoma’ is a misnomer; it contains neither cholesterol crystals nor a tumor.

Definition of Cholesteatoma

Cholesteatoma is a mass formed by keratinizing squamous epithelium in the middle ear and/or mastoid, subepithelial connective tissue and by progressive accumulation of keratin debris with/without surrounding inflammatory reaction.

It is aggressive in children, if left untreated, can cause bone erosion which in turn can lead on to serious complications.

Bone resorption in Cholesteatoma

  • Enzymatic-induced necrosis and resorption – Collagenase, Acid phosphatase, proteolytic enzymes
  • Cytokines induced bone remodelling – IL-1a and 1b, TNF-alpha, TNF-beta
  • Prostaglandin induced bone remodelling – PG E2
  • Pyogenic osteitis theory – Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Streptococcus sp, proteus, E.coli
  • Pressure necrosis theory – unlikely


To describe our methodology and outcome in treating pediatric patients with Cholesteatoma.

Materials and Methods

  • A retrospective study was carried out from July 2023–June 2024.
  • The study includes 10 patients, of whom
    • 4 were boys
    • 6 were girls
  • Between the age of 7 and 16 years.

The evaluated parameters

  • Clinical symptoms
  • Site of infection
  • Extension of the disease
  • Ossicular chain involvement
  • Facial nerve integrity
  • Imaging
  • Treatment modality
  • Outcome
  • Complications

*congenital chloesteatoma excluded from this study

Symptoms and Signs

  • All patients invariably presented with Foul smelling ear discharge and Hard of hearing.
  • 50% of patients had blood stained ear discharge.
  • 20% of patients had facial asymmetry.

Preoperative Assessment of Facial Nerve

  • House-Brackmann grade 4
  • He also had Giddiness, Vomiting, Headache

Preoperative Assessment of Facial Nerve

(1) – Complete left eye closure only with maximum effort

(2) – Asymmetry of mouth with maximum effort

(3) – Inability to blow the cheek

House-Brackmann grade 3



CT Temporal Bone – Axial Plane

CT Temporal Bone – Coronal Plane

CT Temporal Bone – Coronal Plane


DiagnosisNo. of. Cases
Chronic otitis media with cholesteatoma, active, squamosal disease with facial nerve compression2
Chronic otitis media with cholesteatoma, active, squamosal disease with intact facial nerve8


SurgeryNo. of. Cases
Canal wall down mastoidectomy, tympanoplasty with facial nerve decompression 2
Canal wall down mastoidectomy with tympanoplasty 8

Intraoperative Findings

Cholesteatoma Site of Involvement

Ossicular Status

Fallopian Canal and Semicircular Canal Status

Left ear CWD Mastoidectomy cavity of a 7-year-old girl

Ossicular Chain Reconstruction

Graft materialsNo.of. CasesPlaced overTympanoplasty type
Harvested conchal cartilage2Head of stapesIII
Septal cartilage1Head of stapesIII
Sculptured Malleus1Head of stapesIII
Sculptured Incus1Head of stapesIII
Sculptured Incus2Footplate of stapesIV
PORP1Head of stapesIII
TORP1Footplate of stapesIV

Left ear CWD Mastoidectomy of a 9-year-old boy

Pre OP – HB Grade 4

Post OP – Normal

Pre OP – HB Grade 3

Post OP – Normal

Otoendoscopy of Postoperative Mastoid Cavity


VariablesOur studyActa Ital
Number of patients10 in 1 year36 in 6 years
Age group7–16 years6–14 years
Canal wall down mastoidectomy100%39.39%
Canal wall intact mastoidectomy060.60%
Residual diseaseNil18.18%
RecurrenceNil (On Avg 5 months follow-up)6.06%
Subjective testHearing improvement presentHearing improvement present
Objective test (Audiometry)Not doneABG between 0 and 20 db in 54%

B. sergi et al. Ital. 2014 34(2): 138-143


Primary role of surgerySecondary role of surgery
Remove all original cholesteatoma squamous epithelial matrixImprove hearing (aim is to restore the best possible hearing in an ear that will never be normal).
Prevent further erosion and complications
Give a dry, watertight ear
Give a ear that will be self-cleaning
Prevent the occurrence of recurrent cholesteatoma.
What to be cautious in pediatric Cholesteatoma?Why/how?
More extensive and destructive in children than adultsHence early intervention is important to prevent further damage
Increases risk of complications More prone to facial paralysis, Meningitis, Brain abscess
Impact on development if left untreated, it affects speech, language and cognitive development
Difficulty in diagnosis Due to nonspecific symptoms
Surgical challengesSurgery can be more complex in children due to extensive spread in developing temporal bone
High recurrence ratesMore likely to recur due to poor Eustachian tube function. Hence long term follow-up will be necessary
Impact on hearing and balanceAs it cause erosion of ossicles and labyrinth, patient develops hard of hearing and giddiness respectively
Potential for congenital associationsDown’s syndrome, Craniofacial syndrome, di-George syndrome
Emotional and psychological impactChildren and families may experience emotional distress and concerns about hearing


Management of pediatric cholesteatoma requires a highly individualized approach that takes into account anatomic, clinical and social factors to determine the most successful treatment paradigm.

Prompt evaluation, management, and early intervention are very important to avoid life- threatening events.


Kauvery Hospital