Clinical audit: ER to ICU transit time

Yazhini1, P. Saravana Kumar2, V. Ramu3

1Department of Critical care, KMC specialty hospital, Trichy Cantonment

2HOD Critical Care, KMC specialty hospital, Trichy Cantonment

3Consultant-Emergency Physician, KMC specialty hospital, Trichy Cantonment

Editor’s Note: This paper was adapted from a presentation made at a clinical meeting


Several studies done in the past two decades tried to evaluate the association between prolonged ER stay and outcomes in the ICU. Reference has been made to  a few of those studies like Donald B chalfin, Caroline N. L. Groenland, Muhammed Asim Rana studies.

In addition, there are studies that conclude that the transit time does not affect the outcome of the patient. However, these studies are smaller than the previously mentioned studies. Hence there seems to be controversial data existing on this subject.

We analysed the situation in our hospital and tried to compare it against the existing data.


To analyze the effect of time spent in the Emergency ward, on the outcome of ICU patients in our hospital.

Materials and Methods

  • Place of audit: KMC speciality hospital, cantonment
  • Date: July 2023 – July 2024
  • Done by: Department of Critical care
  • Methodology: Retrospective analysis of medical records of 514 patients.


The following parameters from the medical records of 514 patients from both medical and surgical departments were collected.

APACHE 2 score at the time of arrival in ER


Transit Time Vs Mortality
Mortality ICUAPACHETotal%0 -3%3 - 6%> 6%Others%
Alive0 - 106718823082810.3
11 - 201825020587247521
21 - 301123113453154613
> 303110.321
Alive Total3644111171471514110.3
Death0 - 106421%2121
11 - 20604075%2416281911
21 - 305235431611312111
> 303221321391611
Death Total15016115537775121
Over All5145711226442284431

Type of Illness Vs Mortality
Mortality ICUAPACHETotal%Medical%Surgical%
Alive0 - 1067185515123
11 - 2018250145403710
21 - 30112319526175
> 3031310
Alive total364298826618
Death0 - 10644321
11 - 2060404832128
21 - 3052353926139
> 303221281943
Death total150119793121
Over all514417819719

ICU ( 0-6HRS )
Mortality ICUTime transferAPACHETotal%Yes%No%
Alive< 6 Hrs0 - 103819%32%3518%
11 - 2010251%179%8543%
21 - 305729%2714%3015%
> 3021%21%0%
< 6 Hrs Total1994925%15075%
> 6 Hrs0 - 102817%11%2716%
11 - 208049%95%7143%
21 - 305534%2213%3320%
> 3011%11%0%
> 6 Hrs Total1643320%13180%
Others0 - 1011
Alive Total3648223%28277%
Death< 6 Hrs0 - 1022%22%0%
11 - 203738%77%3031%
21 - 303839%2627%1212%
> 302121%1717%44%
< 6 Hrs Total985253%4647%
> 6 Hrs0 - 1048%12%36%
11 - 202244%918%1326%
21 - 301326%1122%24%
> 301122%510%612%
> 6 Hrs Total502652%2448%
Others11 - 2011
21 - 3011

ICU (6-12HRS )
Mortality ICUTime TransferAPACHETotal%Yes%No%
Alive< 6 Hrs0 - 103819743116
11 - 201025126137638
21 - 30572932162513
> 3021210
< 6 Hrs Total199673413266
> 6 Hrs0 - 102817112716
11 - 20804916106439
21 - 30553427162817
> 3011110
> 6 Hrs Total164452711973
Others0 - 1011
Others Total11
Alive Total 3641123125269
Death< 6 Hrs0 - 102222 0
11 - 20373818181919
21 - 303839313277
> 302121191922
< 6 Hrs Total9870712829
> 6 Hrs0 - 10481236
11 - 20224411221122
21 - 301326112224
> 301122510612
> 6 Hrs Total5028562244
Others11 - 2011
21 - 3011

Count of ICU ( 12 – 24hr)
Mortality ICUTime TransferAPACHETotal%Yes%No%
Alive< 6 Hrs0 - 1038191052814
11 - 201025135186734
21 - 30572935182211
> 302121 0
< 6 Hrs Total199824111759
> 6 Hrs0 - 102817322515
11 - 20804921135936
21 - 30553432202314
> 301111 0
> 6 Hrs Total164573510765
Others0 - 101 1
Others Total11
Alive Total 3641393822562
Death< 6 Hrs0 - 102222 0
11 - 20373821211616
21 - 303839333455
> 302121191922
< 6 Hrs Total9875772323
> 6 Hrs0 - 10482424
11 - 2022441734510
21 - 301326122412
> 301122612510
> 6 Hrs Total5037741326
Others11 - 201 1
21 - 301 1
Others Total22

Count of ICU (> 24 hr )
Mortality ICUTime TransferAPACHETotal%Yes%No%
Alive< 6 Hrs0 - 1038191372513
11 - 201025152265025
21 - 3057294221158
> 3021210
< 6 Hrs Total199109559045
> 6 Hrs0 - 102817642213
11 - 20804931194930
21 - 3055344125149
> 3011110
> 6 Hrs Total16479488552
Others0 - 1011
Others Total11
Alive Total3641895217593
Death< 6 Hrs0 - 1022220
11 - 203738363711
21 - 303839363722
> 30212121210
< 6 Hrs Total98959733
> 6 Hrs0 - 104848
11 - 2022442244
21 - 3013261326
> 3011221122
> 6 Hrs Total5050100
Others11 - 2011
21 - 3011
Others Total22

Duration of mechanical ventilation
Mortality ICUTime TransferAPACHETotal%1 - 3%4 - 6%> 7%No%
Alive< 6 Hrs0 - 1038194253212714
11 - 20102513116951894422
21 - 305729189126116168
> 302111 011 0
< 6 Hrs Total1991005427261332168744
> 6 Hrs0 - 10281774 0112012
11 - 2080492113127744024
21 - 30553423149585159
> 301111 0 0 0
> 6 Hrs Total1645232211316107546
Others0 - 101 1
Others Total11
Alive Total 364106294813481316245
Death< 6 Hrs0 - 1022110110
11 - 2037382222554466
21 - 3038391919999911
> 3021211414223322
< 6 Hrs Total9856571616171799
> 6 Hrs0 - 10482401212
11 - 20224410207144812
21 - 3013265102451012
> 30112291801212
> 6 Hrs Total502652918112248
Others11 - 2011
21 - 3011
Others Total22

Duration of ICU stay
Mortality ICUTime TransferAPACHETotal%0 - 3%4 - 6%> 7%
Alive< 6 Hrs0 - 10381914717974
11 - 2010251381933173116
21 - 3057291892211179
> 302111 011
< 6 Hrs Total199713672365628
> 6 Hrs0 - 10281715910632
11 - 208049392425151610
21 - 30553429181061610
> 3011 011 0
> 6 Hrs Total164835146283521
Others0 - 1011
Others Total11
Alive Total 36415442119339125
Death< 6 Hrs0 - 102211 011
11 - 2037381414661717
21 - 303839171710101111
> 30212113135533
< 6 Hrs Total98454621213233
> 6 Hrs0 - 1048241212
11 - 202244714918612
21 - 3013264848510
> 3011228162412
> 6 Hrs Total50214216321326
Others11 - 2011
21 - 3011
Others Total22

Count of Duration of Hospital Stay
Mortality ICUTime TransferAPACHETotal%0 - 5%> 6%
Alive< 6 Hrs0 - 1038192412147
11 - 201025162314020
21 - 30572933172412
> 30211111
< 6 Hrs Total199120607940
> 6 Hrs0 - 102817241542
11 - 20804956342415
21 - 30553436221912
> 301111 0
> 6 Hrs Total164117714729
Others0 - 101 1
Others Total11
Alive Total 3642376512735
Death< 6 Hrs0 - 10221111
11 - 20373817172020
21 - 30383926271212
> 302121171744
< 6 Hrs Total9861623738
> 6 Hrs0 - 10482424
11 - 2022441326918
21 - 301326714612
> 30112271448
> 6 Hrs Total5029582142
Others11 - 2011
21 - 3011
Others Total22

Literature Review

  1. Chalfin DB, Trzeciak S, Likourezos A, Baumann BM, Dellinger RP; DELAY-ED study group. Impact of delayed transfer of critically ill patients from the emergency department to the intensive care unit. Crit Care Med. 2007;35(6):1477-1483.

Conclusions: Critically ill emergency department patients with a >or=6-hr delay in intensive care unit transfer had increased hospital length of stay and higher intensive care unit and hospital mortality. This suggests the need to identify factors associated with delayed transfer as well as specific determinants of adverse outcomes.

  1. Groenland CNL, Termorshuizen F, Rietdijk WJR, et al. Emergency Department to ICU Time Is Associated With Hospital Mortality: A Registry Analysis of 14,788 Patients From Six University Hospitals in The Netherlands. Crit Care Med. 2019;47(11):1564-1571

Conclusions: Prolonged emergency department to ICU time (> 2.4 hr) is associated with increased hospital mortality after ICU admission, mainly driven by patients who had a higher Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation IV probability. We hereby provide evidence that rapid admission of the most critically ill patients to the ICU might reduce hospital mortality.

  1. Muhammad Asim Rana. Association between Time Spent in Emergency Department and

Outcome of Patients Admitted to Intensive Care Unit.

Conclusion: Longer duration of time stay in emergency department before shifting to ICU (> 3.0 hours) is found to be associated with rise in mortality, especially in patients who exhibited higher acute physiology and chronic health evaluation (APACHE) IV score


Delayed ER to ICU transit should not affect the outcome in our setup because :

  • Ours is a smaller hospital
  • There is continuous flow of work between our ER and ICU.
  • Also, most of our ER post graduates are exposed to ICU hence should increase ER quality.
  • Cross consultations are quickly and easily available in both ER and ICU.


Our data shows that critically ill , emergency department patients with more than or equal to 6-hr delay in intensive care unit transfer had higher clinical deterioration and higher ICU and hospital mortality.


To do a follow up audit in 2 phases

Phase1: Whatever data we presented now will be analysed by one of us and the reasons for delay in ER will be investigated .

  • Some of the already known factors for delay include :
  • Procedural delay
  • Delayed admission decision.
  • Too sick to be shifted.
  • Operational / administrative issues.
  • No or delayed availability of beds in ICU
  • ER being busy
  • Delayed opinions by doctors .

Phase 2: All factors will be addressed with proper protocols and guidelines and re-audit will be conducted.

For now dont allow patients to stay for long in ER, shift them to icu at the earliest.

Time has wonderful way of showing what really matters.


Kauvery Hospital