Clinical audit on Nil per Oral (NPO)

“Not less/Not More”

N S. Sushmithaa

Final year anaesthesia PG, Kauvery Hospital, Cantonment, Trichy



To reduce prolonged fasting or inadequate fasting prior to Anaesthesia by proper patient education and care, thereby preventing its complications.

Purpose of the audit

Fasting before general anesthesia aims to reduce the volume and acidity of stomach contents, which reduces the risk of regurgitation and aspiration.

However, unnecessary prolonged fasting periods might result in thirst and hunger before surgery which decreases patient satisfaction and increases the risk of post induction hypotension. Therefore, maintaining proper Nil Per Oral timings play a major role in improving patient outcome before , during and after surgery.


  • Place of audit: KMC Speciality Hospital, Cantonment
  • Date of audit: July 2022 to January 2023.
  • Source of audit: Operation Theatre, KMC speciality hospital, Cantonment
  • Done by: Department of Anaesthesiology


All patients undergoing elective surgery under Anaesthesia.

Demographic details of patient

Diagnosis and proposed surgery

Duration of fasting –  type of meal: heavy meal, semi solid and clear liquid.

General physical condition, urine output, IV fluid infusion value, vasopressor usage.

Traditional practice

Results for the data of 2022(October to December)

Total Cases – 914

Problems identified

  • Improper patient education
  • Inadequate knowledge among paramedical staff
  • Unexpected delay in surgery
  • Addition of emergency cases
  • Communication error


A 35% of the population had complications associated with prolonged fasting.

Patient with prolonged fasting develop,

  • Anxiety
  • Drowsy
  • Pre-operative and intra-operative thirst
  • De-hydration
  • Hemodynamic alteration – tachycardia and hypotension
  • Metabolic alterations

Updates from recent journals

  • There is growing evidence that more liberal clear fluid intake might not increase the risk of pulmonary aspiration.
  • Recent studies and researches encourage clear fluids Upto 1 hour before elective general anaesthesia.
  • One study was undertaken with 150 ml of water 2 hours prior to surgery vs overnight fasting usual practice
  • Patients who consumed 150 ml water 2 hours prior to the procedure had gastric pH and volume unaffected whereas in patients with prolonged fasting there was an decrease in gastric pH and increase in volume.

NPO After midnight – Blanket fasting policy

Recommended ASA Guidelines

  • 8 hr – Fatty and oily foods
  • 6 hr – Solids
  • 4 hr -Semisolids,breast milk
  • 2 hr – Liquids

Corrections implemented

1. Improper patient education

  • Detailed explanation and counselling during Pre-operative assessment
  • Most of the time patient don’t know what kind of food comes under semi solids and liquids
  • So we gave them a printed chart regarding foods which they can consume will give a clear idea to patients
  • All patients were given 150 ml of tender coconut water 2 hours prior to the procedure

What can they have?

Solids8 hrRegular meals
Semisolids6 hrPulpy juices
Tender coconut
Milk products
Liquids2 hrClear water
Filtered juice
Tender coconut water

2. Unexpected delay in surgery

3. Addition of Emergency cases

4. Communication error

One solution for all these problems was,

We appointed a physician assistant to look for the new added cases and delayed cases everyday routinely in the morning and accordingly communicate with the corresponding ward staffs and patients.

We encouraged adequate intake of clear water and filtered juices during the time of delay so that NPO status could also be maintained with patients comfort and satisfaction.

How we managed the surgery time changes

Not advised to take following drinks 2 hr prior to surgery

  • Energy drinks
  • Coconut water
  • Lemon pulp

Results for the Data of 2023 (January to March)

Total Cases – 100


  • Only 9% of the population exceeded the standard NPO timeline
  • Patient satisfaction and comfort was improved
  • Dehydration, Thirst, anxiety, hypotension was minimised after these measures
  • Hemodynamic stability was much better intra operatively
  • Post-operative wound healing was also much better and early recovery could be achieved.

Comparison of Both the Data’s

Parameters2022 (%)2023(%)
Patient discomfort5611
Post op nausea76



  • Proper education
  • Proper communication
  • Proper follow up

Helped in improving patient satisfaction and minimising intra operative complications due to prolonged fasting.


Kauvery Hospital