Comprehensive trauma course 2022: Introduction to Comprehensive trauma course

Topic: Introduction to Comprehensive trauma course

Dr. Venkita S. Suresh

Group Medical Director, Kauvery Hospitals, India


I’m Dr. Venkita Subramony Suresh, Group Medical Director of Kauvery Hospitals. I have served in the Armed Forces Medical Services of India, and later that of Oman, as a Colonel.

The biggest cause of trauma are wars; wars produce great injury, and greater suffering.

So, we from the armed forces medical services respond to the consequences of wars as well as to that of natural and man-made disasters like earthquakes, floods and major catastrophes. We are the first to reach, anywhere in the country and the world, when mass trauma occurs.

UNICEF, once said all wars and all violence begins in the minds of men. Modern wars are very catastrophic and very injurious; you are seeing the ongoing war in eastern Europe.

Modern wars have no rules anymore. Today, civilians- men, women and children- are the ones who are targets of the violence of war, and their homes, communities and way of life are destroyed.

We should now talk about the trauma course, being organized by Kauvery hospitals.

Today, we come across two kinds of trauma, mental and physical. As you all saw, covid caused us great mental trauma.

Physical trauma is today largely from violence and road traffic accidents, and rarely from rail and airline accidents. These accidents cause trauma to a single person or a large number of people; you can call it individual or mass trauma. Also, you may have injuries to one or two organs or injuring several organs, so we call the latter as polytrauma.

Whatever be the trauma, what is most important is that the trauma service should reach traumatized people as quickly as possible. So, the entire system is important which includes ambulance services, paramedics who rush to the site of the accident, the quality of first response to an accident victim, careful transport to a hospital, triage at the hospital where you classify people into mild, moderate and severe injuries and deciding a plan of management. Thereafter, access to a very large number of highly qualified trained and skilled people to diagnose and treat the consequences of trauma becomes crucial.

Dr.Chockalingam and colleagues are transferring to you their wide and deep practical knowledge and skills gained from delivering trauma services at Kauvery hospitals. For this purpose, they have brought together highly competent surgeons, anaesthetists, nurses, technicians, blood transfusion staff, and everyone involved in taking care of traumatized people.

You can look forward to an academic “Feast of Knowledge and Skills” on managing trauma. Kauvery hospitals constantly train their doctors and nurses and paramedics through ATLS courses which stand for Advanced Trauma Life Support courses. This trauma course is a major part of the annual exercise of our surgeons to educate and train doctors across the state and the country in the management of trauma.

Thank you all very much for your interest. I’m sure you, your teams and patients shall benefit from this experience.

Thank you very much.

Kauvery Hospital