Dr. Venkita S. Suresh

Group Medical Director, Kauvery Hospitals, India


Dear colleagues, readers, potential authors,

The only way to out-smart COVID-19 is to practice 2021- 22 Science, whether it be in Public Health or Clinical Medicine.

Let us outplay COVID 19 by smart moves – by blocking every move by a counter move, by pushing it to a tight corner, and checkmating it on a chessboard of Science and common sense.

Both the KAUVERIAN and the CHRONICLE have only one objective, to carry our thoughts and experience; by expressing our thoughts and actions, through words and images, all of them as clear as a bell, and as sharp and bright as lightning.

As COVID, Wave 2, rises to its peak this week, the KAUVERIAN is matching it, by also rising to its peak

Two Senior Consultants write in this issue!

The First is an original article, distilled from the immense experience gained from managing one of the very grim complications caused by the champion among the NCDs of modern times.

The Second is the first ‘guest editorial’ by a Senior Consultant who is also a senior member of our editorial board, discussing the implications of a recent and seminal paper.

The KAUVERIAN also launches a new section – Journal Scan- summarizing ten recent, and topical papers. This was what Kauvery Kalangarai was doing last two years- scanning and focussing its beam on cutting-edge research of immediate clinical significance. This section comes from the Chief Editor’s desk.

Nursing scores a hat trick! From their stable comes the third paper in a row,on yet another hospital management tool. These tools appear on your handhelds, laptops, and desktops. I am sure Kiruba and Vairamuthu would next think of the” Fly by wire” display, virtually in the air, of hospital management information systems!

Dasaratharaman shall continue to handhold you and walk you through themaze of medical statistics, in each issue.

Psychiatry and Clinical psychology come together to present you an illness of modern times-Anorexia Nervosa with Compulsive Exercising.

Dr. Nagaraj is here with a diagnostic image and a cryptic message.

Patients story in this issue illustrates that a good story gives you a great diagnosis. William Osler taught every student that came his way – ” Listen to your patient, she /he is telling you the diagnosis.”

Kaanthal, our reflective poet, asks us, through one of her shortest poems, “Sowhy must only man, who also to nature solely belongs, only carry out his purpose when awe and fame are embellished?”

Kaanthal, our reflective poet, asks us, through one of her shortest poems, “Sowhy must only man, who also to nature solely belongs, only carry out his purpose when awe and fame are embellished?”

As your editor, I pose a far simpler question – Why do you hesitate? Write to me about the work that you do, that truly makes you happy, satisfied, and full of hope and promise for the future.

The KAUVERIAN is never late and shall be with you on or before 01 Jun! For this I thank our Kauverian – Chronicle team of two – Dr. Prabhaharan and Ms. Mercy Diana.

Best regards

Kauvery Hospital