
Dr. Venkita S. Suresh

Group Medical Director, Kauvery Hospitals, India


Dear colleagues

Whatever clouds may hover on the horizon, whether monsoon or the third wave, YOUR GOOD WORK shall be carried by the KAUVERIAN every fortnight!

That is our promise to you, for giving us the opportunity and the privilege to report your clinical research So, this is what we shall upload to the Cloud on 15 September!

  1. Brain Surgery at Bengaluru! The KAUVERIAN proudly launches a new author, Dr. Bhagyashree, Neuroanaesthesiologist and Neurointensivist from Kauvery ECB, with a spectacular report from her and her talented colleagues “One-year journey in Neuroanesthesia and Neurointensive care!”
  2. Drs. Suresh Chelliah, Mahesh and Abhinaya remind us of Dr Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson through their intriguing report “The Dilemma of Shadows!”
  3. Dr. Vasanthi Vidyasagaran gives us her next invaluable lesson on “Anaesthesia and Arrhythmia!”
  4. Dr. CMK Reddy catches the bull by its horns in the next chapter of his book – “Why growing public dissatisfaction about doctors?!”. What are we getting “Not right?”. I think we know.
  5. Suryaprabha and Sathyapriya shed both light and truth on the Polymyxins – If our last arrow, Colistin, is gone, will our quiver be empty?
  6. Dr. Vijay Sekhar is back, leading us to the future of EPS, with lead-less pacemakers!
  7. Our patient’ s story this week is about a dark cloud that hangs low over a young girl’s life.
  8. As you hesitate to shoot with your optical zoom to send me a diagnostic image, I turned to NEJM for this week’s Diagnostic Image.
  9. From my desk comes the fortnight’s journal scan, with the best ten papers for the two weeks. Second paper is on the ‘Medical practice of silencing! Have we heard that before?
  10. Kaanthal probes you deeply with her new poem” The waiting room”. Is life just a waiting time? Does all that we do here really matter? If we fall down, do we really shatter?

See you soon, best regards

Kauvery Hospital