
Dr. Venkita S. Suresh

Group Medical Director, Kauvery Hospitals, India


Dear colleagues

The KAUVERIAN brings you exciting reads as ever!

1. To boost or not to boost?

Introducing a new author! Dr. Muralidhar, Consultant, Critical Care, a COVID Care Champion from Kauvery-Bengaluru, paraphrases the eternal predicament raised in William Shakespeare’s ‘Hamlet’- “To Boost or not to boost, that is the question?”. He places the evidence in front of you from which you may seek the answer.

2. The Journal Club!

We do not know whether our postgraduates engage in journal clubs or not.

But the KAUVERIAN is delighted to present one more Journal Club discussion in front of them.

Our intrepid cardiac electrophysiologists, Drs. P. Vijay Shekhar and R. Sakthivel, comment over a recently published paper about a non- invasive approach to ablating arrhythmogenic foci in the heart.

3. The unpublished thesis!

That is” the unkindest cut of all’, to again quote William Shakespeare from the famous funeral speech of Mark Antony in “Julius Caesar”!

We have a growing family of post graduate residents.

What other platform is so suited as the KAUVERIAN   to publish the abridged versions of their theses?!

We now publish our second thesis, from Dr. PV. Nimisha, Dept of Pediatrics, Trichy who is fortunate to have a great guide and many mentors. She inquired into significance of waist to height ratio with respect to development of the metabolic syndrome in children. Childhood obesity is a burgeoning global epidemic, with deeply disturbing implications

We shall publish every thesis of every PG Resident.

It is our fervent hope and prayer that this shall be beginning of  their life long commitment to document their work, analyze and publish.

4. Rainbow inside an incessant VT storm!

Ever seen such a sterling spectacle during the monsoons In south India? Wait to see one posted by .Dr Theodore Josepah in the Kauverian on 15 Oct!

5. Super Sunday!

No Sunday is complete at Trichy without a stunning report from Dr. Suresh Chelliah and his prolific and proficient paediatric colleagues, posted on Whatsapp. They always encourage a PG Resident to do the ground work towards its preparation. They highlight a rarely reported paediatric vascular complication.

6 & 7, PEARLS – your Personally Arranged Learning Sessions!

Our venerable teachers, Drs Vasanthi Vidyasagaran and Prof CMK Reddy have more fascinationg lessons to impart through our serialization of their books

8. Suryaprabha, our Chief Pharmacist and Senior Executive, Clinical Research, highlights the pharmacotherapeutics of the expensive but effective agent, Idaracizumab, for reversal of bleeding from the first aiming the equal – Dabigatran, an NOAC! Wait to hear about the reversal agent for Apixaban next!

9. Dasharatharaman is on his determined mission of making biostatistics a friend rather than a foe. He writes about Mann-Whitney U test, a frequently used tool in clinical research.

10. I am deeply indebted to Dr .RM Subbiah, who is not only a Sunday WhatsApp warrior like Dr .Suresh Chelliah, but has been a personal Monsoon to me. Noticing that I am pleading for diagnostic images, he ‘ rained ‘ on me numerous images one morning and continues to drizzle more. One gem among them is featured here

11. From my desk comes Journal Scan, the fortnight’s best ten. Don’t miss the eighth, a tribute and thanks to the inventors of the mRNA vaccine.

12. Never forget to read Kaanthal. She writes an ode to the animal friend we all love the most, who, with their “Valiant velvet paws” wipe away the tear on the human’s face.

There, you have our beautiful dozen!

Do read, and write for the KAUVERIAN

Best regards

Kauvery Hospital