
Dr. Venkita S. Suresh

Group Medical Director, Kauvery Hospitals, India


The lead article reflects the very inspiring outcome of Dr. S. Aravindakumar, Chief of Cardiology, Kauvery Heartcity, Trichy mentoring Dr. Yogeswaran, MEM Resident, to learn echocardiography, and undertake a bedside evaluation of Pulmonary Hypertension in the CCU.

Dr. Yogeshwaran studied One Hundred patients in Thirty Days!

Here is an excellent model to be emulated right across the eight Kauvery hospitals!

Guru-Siksha relationship has been the foundation of all education in India and I hope our talented and experienced Gurus would persuade our Sikshas to undertake clinical research and publish.

Research is re-search, and instills humility, curiosity, a thirst for knowledge, and most of all, a hunger, a fire in the belly, to search and find the truth, and evidence, in Medicine.

Dr. Aravindakumar and Dr. Annup Balan also publish in this edition their fourth protocol of a prospective and EMR based study into PCI on the Lt Main Coronary Artery.

Our nurses have spectacularly risen to KAUVERIAN’s clarion call to publish their good work.

“Saving the unsavable”, by Ruby and Ajitha, Senior Nurses from Kauvery Specialty Hospital, Trichy-Cantonment, is a moving tale – a momentous and memorable manuscript on saving the precarious life of a premature infant, along with its mother, who had severe Covid.

Children are the apples of our eyes at Trichy.

Dr. K. Senthil Kumar, Chief of Anaesthesiology at Kauvery Hospitals, Trichy, and his versatile team Drs. Sasi Kumar, Khaja Mohideen and Nirmal Kumar write on “Anaesthetic management of a child with TMJ Ankylosis, with retrognathia and OSA.

This subject has been recently very active also at Chennai Kauvery.

We have debut authors from Kauvery Bengaluru!

Drs. Malarvizhi and Vigneshwar report on “Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome”.

Our “Letters to the editor” section is a mini-journal club where we invite one of our colleagues to reflect on a recent publication.

Dr. Chockalingam, Senior Consultant Orthopedic surgeon from Trichy, has kindly commented on the “HIT trial on Osteoarthritis of the hip”, published recently in the BMJ.

Dr. Subbaiah, Consultant Adult Hemo-Oncologist from Trichy, has yet again given us a graphic image, an unmistakable visual diagnosis of Herpes Zoster.

Our eminent teachers, Drs. Vasantha Vidyasagaran and CSK Reddy not only share their vignettes of experience and wisdom but also illustrate to us the vanishing art of good writing in medicine.

Good reading is a requisite to turn out good writing.

Journal Scan: Those of us who rue our hair loss to MPB would love to read the 9th paper on “Uncombable Hair Syndrome!”. We wish we had that!

Also, do not miss no. 10; NEJM has promptly published a case report on Pellagra, from two doctors at PSG, Coimbatore, thanks to the brilliant images they posted, despite the fact that they could not do Niacin levels.

“Recommended Reading” is getting richer and richer, and resonates with remarkable reading and reference material from world medical literature!

Reminding you as ever, to kindly read, and write for, the KAUVERIAN.

Good writing is always a great pleasure to read!

Best regards

Kauvery Hospital