Dr. Venkita S. Suresh

Group Medical Director, Kauvery Hospitals, India


Dear Colleagues,

A new edition of the KAUVERIAN shall be winging its way to you.

What gems are being held this time for you, in the beak of the bird?!

1. Our fourteen-year bard’s words leap out at you through her poem!

“People are pens. Thoughts, ideas and lessons to the paper they lend.”

“And yearn to let the reader know those words only keep their principles ablaze.”

Come people, can we ever find a better brand ambassador for the KAUVERIAN?

2. Boom! COVID banged us on the head with a new word “Wanna beat me? Beat me bad? Then REPURPOSE!

Drugs already licensed for other indications were reincarnated.

Remdesivir that failed against Ebola in Central and West Africa was reborn and aggressively marketed.

One field in Medicine enthusiastically threw up a number of candidates into the air; the labs and drug industry feverishly juggled with them.

The humblest, HCQ, was the first to fall with a thud, despite the devotion of its evangelists and proselytizers.

The next and bigger thud was heard with Ivermectin. At Wuhan SARS CoV2 had crossed over from Bat to human successfully.

But, Ivermectin, which was being used in veterinary practice to treat worms and mites, fell with a bigger thud despite supreme courts backing it in the US. This was an Icarus who flew too close to the sun. This was a Humpty Dumpty all the King” s men and all the King” s horses could not put together again!

But many others like TCZ and Baricitinib fought for a place in the sun and won.

A Rheumatologist, who joined us only on 12 Oct, writes a brilliant update on the subject (and is being peer – reviewed by an equally knowledgeable colleague.)

Kauverian is proud and delighted to launch this new author.

This article has been peer- reviewed a Consultant Rheumatologist at another Kauvery Hospital and approved.

This is the first time this has been done on a paper in the Kauverian.

We shall be separately publishing and acknowledging the support from peer- reviewers

3. The second “First Time Author” on the issue shall be Dr. Prabhaharan PhD, the technical editor of the KAUVERIAN.

He writes about “Effective Journal Clubs”, something that goes onto define and refine training of post graduate residents.

How can we not make it a culture in Kauvery?

Every time one of us uncritically post a press release that gushes over a “new kid on the block” that has come to play in the pen in it pampers, and claims that it is going to be “the next game changer ” and that ” the end of the pandemic has come” I hang my head in shame.

4. The fourth gem is our third new writer on the journal. He has a bright metallic first name, with Biblical strength in the middle name and a princely last name. He is being wisely guided by a thoughtful mentor.

He poses only a simple question ” Did you slip or block?”

5. The unpublished thesis!

We now publish the sequence Part II of the thesis “significance of waist to height ratio with respect to development of the metabolic syndrome in children”, from Dr. PV. Nimisha, Dept of Pediatrics, Trichy.

We shall publish every thesis of every PG Resident.

6. Mr. Dasaratharaman, our statistician brings you a helpful article on the “Statistical Regression Analysis”.

7. Our venerable teachers, Drs Vasanthi Vidyasagaran and Prof CMK Reddy have more fascinating lessons to impart through our serialization of their books.

8. We have Dr. Suresh Chelliah, presenting a case study on a Sinister Swelling.

If you take your pen and write, as my poet earnestly urges you, you can still catch the last post to the inbox at the KAUVERIAN.

Best Regards

Kauvery Hospital