
Dr. Venkita S. Suresh

Group Medical Director, Kauvery Hospitals, India


Dear colleagues.

The Children’s Day – India edition of the KAUVERIAN comes to you Pediatric – Power packed.

Like a true leader Dr. D. Senguttuvan leads the Pediatric team of five dedicated and accomplished authors who give us their views on current and major concerns in child health, with insightful “guest” editorials. Dr. Senguttuvan and Dr. Suresh Chelliah most graciously accepted my request to review AFIs and ILIs in children seen at Trichi. COVID hovers above that scene as a dark and menacing cloud.

Dr. Sreenath writes from Bengaluru about his deep committment to nutritional safety for the premature child. World Prematurity Day falls on 17 Nov. Again, from Bengaluru, Dr. Soniya Tambe, the newest and youngest neurologist, in our family writes about Problems beyond Seizures.

Dr. Senguttuvan has greatly honoured the KAUVERIAN by writing on it for the first time! Both Dr. Sreenath and Dr. Soniya are our “First Time Authors!”.

This Deepavali, the festival of lights, research sparkled and crackled with brilliant luminance at Trichy Hematology and Oncology!

Dr. Vinod Gunasekaran and colleagues electrified the atmosphere with the First Pediatric Allogenic Bone Marrow Transplant in Kauvery Hospitals. This is a model blog publication, the full paper shall find its limelight in the arena of national and international publication.

In his quiet, unassuming way but with his profound, painstaking and perfect poise, Dr. Dominic Rodriguez and colleagues gave us the great honour to publish the first case of successful management of COVID Vaccine Induced ThromboticThrombocytopenia.

Cardioelectrophysiology at Trichy is writing a new chapter every day, most of them being crafted, and saving lives, in the late hours of the night and the wee hours of the morning.

Dr. Theodore Joseph brings to light setting right a Brugada syndrome in a man which traumatised his family and has left a cloud still hanging over the next generation.

We shall continue to meet our promise to our DNB residents to be their first publisher. This issue carries the discussion; the thesis concludes in the next issue. Then, we take up the next thesis.

Our two tireless teachers continue to teach is through every issue of the KAUVERIAN. Dr. Vasanthi and Dr. Reddy share their great experience and greater wisdom through their chapters.

Gethsial Kiruba is turning out to be a consistent author, here she reports from an outstanding and unusual conference – the N4 – Namma Nurse Nalla Nurse Annual Conclave where we laughed so much and learned so much!

Journal Scan, we scan them for you! Kindly do not skip it, especially residents. These are gems of thought! Paper no 4 from Lancet talks about prevention of SSIs in low resource settings, in paper no 6 Lancet reflects over a digital world in medicine and in paper no 8, the Lancet richly compliments our home-grown digital guru, Anurag Agrawal.

No 10 is a case report from Lancet, just to show that a case report still matters, when well written.

We introduce a new section “Recommended reading”. Do not miss the first one- the surgeon with cardiomyopathy who died, lived, died again and lived, and lives on, facing its challenges.

We carry a picture that speaks – a rash, the flag bearer heralding a leukemia.

We conclude the Season 1 of Kaanthal series of poems. Until you meet her again, remember her parting lines- Move your sight from sand to sky!  There is a whole and ever renewing universe out there!

Dear colleagues, read, and write for the KAUVERIAN!

Kauvery Hospital