Dr. Venkita S. Suresh

Group Medical Director, Kauvery Hospitals, India


Dear colleagues,

Rising to the occasion, from Kauvery Hospital, ECB, leads this issue, from Dr. Muralidhara and his eight colleagues, the most multi- authored paper ever to be published in the KAUVERIAN. It speaks of 25 insights gained from two waves of the pandemic, and about the innovations it stimulated.

If the other six hospitals also document their experience, insights and the resultant innovations, in this fashion, the KAUVERIAN shall be delighted to publish the Kauvery Covid Compendium, a pocket book companion to deal with pandemic, of course in soft copy, to be parked in your handheld.

Time in Range (TIR) In Diabetes: A Concept of Control of Glycemia, Whose Time Has Come, comes from Drs. Ravikeerthy and KM. Hamsa, also from Kauvery Hospital, ECB. We shall eagerly look forward to comments from our diabetologists.

Heart Failure Registry, Kauvery Heart City, Trichy, comes from Dr. Annup Balan, who has recently joined the Kauvery family. This is a preliminary report, a work in progress, and shall be an EMR dedicated to patients with Heart Failure at Trichy, inspired by Dr Aravind Kumar and Dr. T Senthil Kumar. It shall extend our hand to these highly vulnerable patients who we shall hand – hold on the long path to recovery and rehabilitation. On that path comes the interventions to address all reversible causes, optimization of the medical treatment and counselling and preparations towards bridges to transplantation and ultimately transplantation itself. The fundamental objective is to identify early the patients who would need transplantation and offer it at the most beneficial time.

Shorter Course of Remdesivir In Moderate Covid-19 Is as Efficacious as Compared to Standard Regime: An Observational Study from Dr. Muralidhara et al, from Kauvery Hospital ECB, is the first of the three papers being presented at a Covid Innovation Conference. The others shall follow

This paper appeared simultaneously on Dec 22, with a publication by the NEJM on the same subject!


Dr. Murali Jayaraman from Kauvery Hosur writes in the KAUVERIAN for the first time, with Small Intestinal Tuberculosis Presenting as Massive Gastrointestinal Bleed: A Case Report. We are delighted.

Dr. Priya Philip, Radiation Oncologist from Kauvery Chennai, also writes in the KAUVERIAN for the first time, along with her colleagues, with Lymphoepithelial Carcinoma: A Case Report of a Rare Tumor of The Vocal Cord. Greatly appreciated

Dr. Sai Soundarya, mentored by Dr. S. Aravindkumar, is on her way to a ‘hat trick’ with her second publication- Diabetic Keto Acidosis (DKA), Associated with Failed Thrombolysis with Streptokinase in Acute Myocardial Infarction. The third publication follows on 15 February.

Two unforgettable intraoperative experiences are shared with us by Dr. Vasanthi Vidyasagaran.

Prof Dr. CSK Reddy writes to us about communicating with, and prescribing for patients, and illustrates that with brilliant cartoons.

Dr. RM. Subbiah’s amazing collection of diagnostic images is our treasure house; here is one more opportunity to peer down the microscope and make an instant diagnosis.

Vidya Vijay, our bright young poet, writes her “Notes to Nocturne”; she brings Beethoven and Mozart together with: “Both in music they unite, creating music just as bright”

I scan the journals for you, burning the midnight oil.  Do not miss the “Short and Ultra- short case reports” from the Lancet and NEJM! Length is no more important; the message and the images are! So, write away!

Lastly, do take a glance at “Recommended Reading”, some gems wait for you to be discovered. Norwood T won the Lancet Wakley Prize this year for her heart- break story about the loss of her child at birth:  Something good enough. 398(10318): P2305-6. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(21)02690-8/fulltext.  It is also a ‘thank you’ note for the health workers who warmed to her and were of great support to her.

All good, interesting and useful reads, help to keep Omicron blues away.

Kauvery Hospital