Dr. Venkita S. Suresh

Group Medical Director, Kauvery Hospitals, India


dr venkita suresh


The Kauverian hopes to reach you every fortnight.

The articles come in a new font and format, designed by Dr. Prabhaharan, our technical editor, I hope you would find them attractive.

We lead the issue with two case reports, from Drs. Bhuvaneswari and Pushkala. Case reports will never lose their charm. They briefly and briskly convey a clinical encounter and spark a lesson that emits light for a while. Case series can carry that torch forward. We welcome both case reports and case series. So write away!

Dr. Banupriya effectively conveys her infectious enthusiasm by writing to us about the excitement she felt in launching a tumor board for the first time in Kauvery. Her colleagues across other Kauvery units join her with gusto in this unique exercise every Thursday, without fail. This bodes well for patients and great for outcomes.

We launch a special section, “Diagnostic images” with this issue. Dr. Nagaraj, who has challenged us many times by posting such images in our WhatsApp groups will edit this section. Kindly select suitable images from your own archives and send them to us, provide a few clues from the clinical presentation and pose your question “What is your diagnosis?”

The patient shall always have a voice and presence in this journal. I bring you “A bolt from the blue”, a true story I saw and heard on Kauvery’s wards.

Rounding off the issue is our brilliant bard, Kaanthal Manikandan who is here, with her “The unique mind”.

Can I look forward to hearing your feedback and reading your papers?

The Kauverian is your canvas, I invite you to wield your brush in brilliant strokes to create art and science!

Our editorial board carries the names of those of our colleagues who wished and volunteered to be, to be on the Board.

I request them to encourage our colleagues not to lose any chance to identify opportunities to publish case reports, diagnostic images, case series, review articles, to convert the power points they present at CMEs into articles for the journal, and, most importantly, document patients’ personal stories about their journey through an injury or disease.

Perhaps the last will teach us the most

One of the most memorable cartoons the late Punch magazine printed was a graveyard with a single stone on which was the patient’s epitaph to his doctor who always thought he was a hypochondriac” See, Doc, I told you so”.

Kauvery Hospital