
Dr. Venkita S. Suresh

Group Medical Director, Kauvery Hospitals, India

Email: gmd@kauveryhealthcare.com

dr venkita suresh

Dear colleagues,

Fourteen papers from authors from the ER celebrate the International Day of Emergency Medicine, which just passed us.

They reflect the mission that confronts the versatile warriors on the emergency front.

Dr. Prabahar Reddy, HOD, Emergency Medicine at ECB, launches this Special Issue of the KAUVERIAN with his guest editorial.

Dr. Karunakaran Vetri, Consultant Emergency Medicine, at Kauvery Alwarpet, opens the innings with his review of the stress and fatigue that are the daily diet for the emergency physician

Consultants and Residents pen the rest, covering a wide range- trauma, heatstroke, infection, vascular catastrophes, Acute Coronary syndrome, Congential Heart Disease, Autism, drug toxicity and poisoning.

Kauvery Hospitals now offer three post graduate programs in Emergency Medicine – MRCEM, MEM and DNB.

Kauvery Nursing College also graduates Emergency Medicine Technicians.

Emergency Medicine at Kauvery Hospitals now leads from the front, as strong standard bearers, swift first responders and skilled life and limb savers.

The KAUVERIAN is delighted to place this special edition in front of you, to read and relish. Feedbacks are welcome

Kauvery Hospital