Dr. Venkita S. Suresh

Group Medical Director, Kauvery Hospitals, India

Email: gmd@kauveryhealthcare.com

dr venkita suresh

Dear Kauverians

Five years after we launched the Kauvery Scientific Journals our dream has at last come true

We have finally succeeded in publishing the entire ‘ Proceedings’ of a major Kauvery CME!

This feat has come through thanks to the spontaneous and wholehearted support of Dr Satish Manivel, Consultant Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, Kauvery Hospital, Alwarpet, Chennai who assiduously compiled the papers that were presented and sent to us towards publication.

Our editorial team at KAUVERIAN processed the power points into transcripts

This Special Edition, being published on 15 Sep 24, shall park this learning material in cyberspace, where it shall shine forever

All our CMEs present such learning material, all of which are presented in spoken words that are evanescent, and lost in minutes

What is in print lasts.

Like the Ten Commandments, that Moses etched into stone on Mount Sinai!

I request the organizers of Kauvery CMEs to take this path to the mount to make their work immortal