
Dr. Venkita S. Suresh

Group Medical Director, Kauvery Hospitals, India


Dear colleagues,

The KAUVERIAN, 15 May 22 edition shall be delighted to present a galaxy of outstanding authors writing about their exceptional work.

We are delighted to introduce Dr. J. Balasubramaniam, Senior Consultant Nephrologist from Kauvery-erstwhile Galaxy Hospital Tirunelveli who introduces to us through his guest editorial the “Brave New World of Interventional Nephrology.”

Dr. Sheelu Srinivas, Senior Consultant, Otorhinolaryngology, Kauvery ECB, familiar to us through her seminal paper on Surgery in RhinoCerebral Mucormycosis, who recently did the first Cochlear Transplant at Kauvery Bengaluru, gives us an overview in “Amplified Ears and Listening Brains”. The case report shall follow in a subsequent edition.

Epitomising the spirit of Nurses Day on 12 May, Nurses Deepa and Letsonya from Trichy write about their heart-uplifting experience ” Love makes life worth living”

The “talks” that we give often are wafted away by the wind like ” will o’ the wisp”.

Responding to my fervent plea to

“Write the Talk” so that they are ‘Etched on Stone’, Dr. Karthikeyan, Consultant Geriatrician from Salem, writes about “Daptagliflozin in the elderly”. We know that the shiny trials that wax eloquent on a drug frequently exclude the elderly.

Three highly educative case reports come from

“First-time authors” to the KAUVERIAN- Dr. Nithyanandan Ravi, Associate Consultant Pulmonologist from Chennai, writes on Methemoglobinemia.

Dr. V. Sreedhara from Kauvery Bengaluru, Consultant Hepatobiliary Surgeon, rightly writes about the Liver Cyst.

Under the watchful eyes of Drs. Suresh Chelliah, Thilagavathy and Senthil Velmurugan, first-year DNB resident Dr. Poovarasan writes on “The New Imitator”.

Dr. Subbaiah provides us a diagnostic image. His e-album is on the making, for release on Amazon Kindle and paperback.

Our regular features are familiar to you.

Dr.Vasanthi Vidyasagaran writes about ‘Incidental Amyloidosis’ as well as ‘Innovative Positioning’.

Prof. CSK Reddy offers you his Kaleidoscope view of surgery, with changing images that fascinate.

The Journal Scan begins with an irrefutable statement- the more you know your patient, the better care you can give.

It also draws your attention to the ‘ Illusion of Evidence Based Medicine’ as well as talks about the future- “Deliberate practice at the virtual bedside”.

Recommended reading shall bring you thought-provoking and original writings like The Takotsubo Happy Heart Syndrome and about “My new Ikigai”.

The next edition is an early edition. It celebrates on 27th May the International Day of Emergency Medicine”

The KAUVERIAN reminds you of the arrival of ” Darkness at Noon” that descended on us around this time in 2020.

The brave men and women at the ER were the ones who were front-line soldiers against a strange and fearsome enemy they could not perceive through their five senses yet a sixth sense told them that Virus is there, in front of them, and around them, as a ghost and shadow.

I request those warriors, and those who would like to say “Bravo, well done” to reach for their laptop and tap away and write for the KAUVERIAN for the Special Edition on International Day of Emergency Medicine.

Best regards

Kauvery Hospital