
Dr. Venkita S. Suresh

Group Medical Director, Kauvery Hospitals, India


Dear Kauverians

The KAUVERIAN Is delighted and proud to soon bring you Part 1 of the Special Issue of the KAUVERIAN, honoring the International Day of Emergency Medicine, on 27 May 22.

This twin – issue brings out in stark relief THREE extraordinary phenomena!

The FIRST is that more than THIRTY papers have already poured into our inbox from FOUR Emergency Medicine departments-Chennai, Trichy Cantonment, Hosur, and Salem; and they are still coming!

The SECOND is that these are all from young authors who found that they have something important to say from their working lives, and they have said it very well indeed.

These young authors are doctors, nurses, and ER Technicians.

The THIRD is that this issue celebrates the invaluable and incomparable value of MENTORSHIP in MEDICINE.

Dr. Santhosham from Trichy Cantonment, Dr. Aslesha from Chennai, Dr. Sriramajayam from Hosur, and Dr. Abhirami from Salem have moved heaven and earth to motivate their young professionals serving in Emergency Medicine to portray/paint/sculpt their experience at the ER, in words. They have painstakingly edited those creations before they dispatched them to us here at the production team.

I sat over last weekend NONSTOP to give the finishing touch to each paper.

Now my colleague and technical editor Dr. Prabhaharan shall have to burn the midnight oil to process and format them and work with our tireless colleagues Jeyakumar and colleagues to publish them on or before time.

I close with some unbelievably touching, heart-lifting, soul-satisfying quotes from our young authors on this edition!

(1). Hope is Life

The life of a dying patient with organ failure is like being in a traffic jam, where he/she just needs a green corridor to go through and emerge with new hope for life. I hope I will be a part of many such Green Corridor missions in the future and add hope to someone’s life and loved ones!!!

(2). Emergency Medicine delivers at the front line of hospital medicine.

We have been at the forefront of the battlefield of COVID ever since early 2020. To be an Emergency Physician is a demanding career that demands uncompromising perfection in clinical knowledge and skill, applied with speed and precision. You need to give it all that you have to make you an effective Emergency physician. Once you perfect your skill sets, you would achieve a sense of job satisfaction which no other job in the world can match.

(3). We all fought the great COVID battle together and we will forever be proud of our profession that we were able to serve people at the time of their most vulnerable and weakest moment.

When their own family members weren’t beside them, we got to be their healing hands. As Mother Teresa once said – “Hands that heal are greater than lips that pray”.

We, nurses, had the prayers of our families, friends, and colleagues to strengthen our hands. Together we fought this battle with our determined minds and big brave hearts.

(4). Our calm attitude seems to gravitate to people who come to us and are around us.

It is because we, as emergency nurses, always stay calm, and focused on swift and safe actions. We are ever ready to do any task assigned to us, in our own crazy style. But at the end of the day, nobody can handle unusual situations the way we do it, with finesse and panache. I love working in the ER”

(5). The day of a nurse in the ‘Emergency’ is unpredictable.

It is a roller coaster ride over the rails of expectations, emotions, endeavor, and excitement when you see off our patient to a safe destination. One moment you are high, the next moment you could get low! At the peak, you feel great when you save a patient, at the low point you could break down and cry when you lose!

(6). As an emergency staff nurse, I am confident to recognize this abnormal rhythm and initiate the quick management of VT.

With the swift decision made in time, we reverted this patient to normal sinus rhythm within 20 min of arrival in the ED and managed to save this man’s life.

(7). “One doesn’t ask of one who suffers what is your country and religion?

One merely says – you suffer, that is enough for me, you belong to me and I shall help you” – Emergency Department

(8). “A Nurse is one who opens the eyes of a newborn, and gently closes the eyes of a dying man.

It’s indeed a blessing to be the first and the last to witness the beginning and the end of life”.

I am proud to be a Registered Nurse at the ER

(9). A doctor is someone capable of saving and helping others in ways that are not possible in other careers.

I feel proud to work in one of the most modern and state-of-the-art multispecialty tertiary care hospitals in Chennai.

(10). Never give up on life – the life you save may restore hope to a family!!!

Dr. Sheelu Srinivas, Kauvery ECB, by paying a thoughtful tribute to Dr. Prabakar Reddy, Chief of ER, pays a rich complement,

“Welcome to the Dance floor” to the ER leaders and team at every one of our eight ERs!

Kindly do not hesitate; to read and write for the KAUVERIAN

What you write may change or save lives.

Best regards

Kauvery Hospital