
Dr. Venkita S. Suresh

Group Medical Director, Kauvery Hospitals, India


Dear colleagues,

Why do we write the eternal evolution of Medicine through articles, and publish them?

Because there is a story to be told, to be read over and again, to reflect over and lessons to be learned.

Many stories are being told every fortnight in the KAUVERIAN.

1. An orthopedic surgeon who worked hard over a shattered hip and achieved a perfect repair did not expect a life-threatening paralysis of muscles, limbs, and chest wall, to creep upon his patient a few days later. Dr. Senthilrajan, Consultant Orthopedic Surgeon, Salem Kauvery, tells that story in “An unusual complication of polytrauma: A patient with acetabulum fracture fixation develops Guillain-Barre Syndrome, precipitated by trauma/surgery”.

2. Dr. Gowri, Consultant Diabetologist, Trichy Kauvery Hospitals, told us recently about “Diabetes Distress”. In this issue, she delves into addressing “Diabetes Burnout”, when one gets tired of ‘fighting’ Diabetes. Children who have type 1 diabetes face the predicament of a lifetime of dependence on insulin. Never-ending stress leads both the child and the parents to ‘diabetes burnout’. She writes about ‘Sigaram’, a very strong support system she and her team have organized for these children and their parents.

3.”The hope for a better tomorrow”, a hopeful, helpful, and a harrowing tale being told to you by S. Nirmala, P. Stella, Nursing Supervisors, Kauvery Specialty Hospital, is a look back on an experience of managing a three-year-old a child with severe burns. They remind us that the patients we treat-and especially their families-need someone to listen, support, and nurture them. Nursing isn’t just about the expertise and experience we provide; it’s also about the compassion we show, and serving as a patient’s advocate in every way we can.

4. Dr. Prabhakar Reddy, Chief of ER, and colleagues, at Kauvery Hospital, Bengaluru, bring us an “An enigma at the ER”. Life turns upside down for a young mother of two, just a few weeks after an LSCS for an otherwise normal pregnancy. She almost lost her life. “Think on your feet” and “Hit the ground running” are the credos ER lives by. This story illustrates that saga.

5. Dr. K. Senthilkumar, Chief of Anesthesiology at Trichy Kauvery Hospitals, a master craftsman, and his brilliant team bring to us “Dynamic examination of airway: A pivotal tool in the anaesthetic management of mediastinal mass excision”. “Journal Club”, inaugurated in this edition, is an upgrade of our “Letters to the editor” section, and three of our colleagues review recent and relevant papers:

6. Dr. Anu Joseph, Consultant, Obstetrics and Gynecology from Kauvery Hospital, Bengaluru discusses a paper from the NEJM on “Treating Hypertension in Pregnancy”

7. Dr. Chockalingam, Consultant Surgeon, Orthopedics, Trichy Kauvery Hospitals reviews the paper from the NEJM on “Nonoperative or surgical treatment of Acute Achilles’ Tendon Rupture”.

8. Ms. Suryaprabha, Chief Pharmacist and Sr Executive, Clinical research reviews the BMJ paper on “Neuropsychiatric reactions with the use of Montelukast”.

9. Dr. Chockalingam also has gallantly given us the diagnostic image for this issue. We invite you to diagnose!

10. Mr. Dasaratharaman is back with “Conditional probability” – It is the probability of an event A, given the occurrence of some other event B. Just think about it!

11 & 12. Our incomparable teachers Dr. Vasanthi Vidyasagaran and Prof. Dr. CSK Reddy walk us through knowledge land. The former warns us about “Hypotension in a patient on long term use of topical steroids”. The latter holds our hands through crises in the consultation room.

13.”Recommended reading” swings its radar through the world of outstanding medical literature and focuses its beam on some gems. One such is “Raja-Elie E. Abdulnour. Deliberate Practice at the Virtual Bedside to Improve Clinical Reasoning. Another is “Sonal Matharu. ICU is a terrible place to die; when letting go of treatment is the best choice.”

14.”Journal Scan” from my desk scans in greater detail. And in greater numbers, this issue presents summary of twenty papers. Partha Kar writes” To improve clinical leadership in health services, we need a dose of realism. BMJ 2022;376: o651.”. Bergamaschi L, et al. write on “Malignant Anterior ST-Segment Elevation. JAMA Intern Med. 2022”

As ever, I request you – Kindly read, and write for the KAUVERIAN.

Best regards

Kauvery Hospital