
Dr. Venkita S. Suresh

Group Medical Director, Kauvery Hospitals, India


Dear colleagues

The KAUVERIAN brings you topical, thoughtful, trendy themes each time.

As ever, the 15 Nov issue shall reach you on or before the date!

1. The most definitive answer to the question everybody asks oneself “Why write a case report?” is finally here!

Dr. Sham Santhanam, Consultant Rheumatologist and accomplished author and editor, from Chennai, reassures us that writing a case report is indeed a good start to a great journey of quest and discovery!

2. Also here is a troublesome and fearsome thought – XDR Tb is also here!

Dr. Sivaramakannan, Senior Consultant, Internal Medicine, Chennai, at last makes a debut at the KAUVERIAN with his case report on XDR Tb.

Suryaprabha, shining bright in her dual role as Chief Clinical Pharmacist and Manager, Clinical Research, adds the background research into the therapeutic challenges encountered in treating XDR Tb.

3. Dr. Sai Soundarya, Final Year DNB Resident from Trichy, makes a big splash here, with her FIFTH publication!

Her paper “Usefulness of NEWS 2 score in monitoring patients with cytokine storm of COVID-19 pneumonia” has sprung from the inspiration, guidance and support thoughtfully provided by her mentors Dr. Ivan A Jones, and Dr. G. Dominic Rodriguez.

4. Dr. Sreedhara V. Setty, HOD – Surgical Gastroenterology & General Surgery, Kauvery Hospital, Electronic City, Bengaluru also debuts in this issue with ‘Modified Lichtenstein mesh repair, for a patient of Coronary Artery Disease, Heart Failure and with Implanted Cardioverter-Defibrillator’

5. Dr. Vijayashekar graciously launches a young debut author Dr. K. Ilakkia Meena, DMO from Heart City Trichy, with a case report on ‘Fever Induced Brugada!’

6. Dr. Kannan and his colleagues at Nellai, all of whom are prolific and enthusiastic authors for the KAUVERIAN, write on “Pulmonary ThromboEmbolism: When to Thrombolyse?”

7. Dr. KS. Bharath, an Interventional Radiologist from Kauvery ECB, a familiar author to the readers of this journal, gives us an Ultra Short Case Report with an absolutely elegant video of a very successful intervention on the Portal circulation at a time the diagnosis of CLD has become as common as CAD and CKD.

8. Introducing Vinoth Rajendran, a clinical pharmacist at the group level, also a debut author, and writes about how science learns from failure in his investigative piece on “Learning from the failure of Nebacumab’; this is the second in the series of our articles on MAbs, from clinical pharmacists.

9. In Greek mythology, Atlas is a Titan who holds up the heavens or sky for eternity.

The KAUVERIAN is proud to start serializing the “Atlas of Hematology and Hemato Oncology” documenting the work of our Atlas, Dr. RM. Subbaiah!

On completion, this anthology shall be published as an e-book and paperback on Amazon.

10. Journal Scan comes from my desk. I recommend you do not miss (11). John Launer. The art of paying attention. BMJ 2022;378:o2294.

11. Dr. Vasanthi Vidyasagaran, in ‘Learning from experience’, warns you of two catastrophes that may come your way some time or another at the operating table.

12. Recommended Reading always brings you gems that ought not to be missed.

Would you ever like to miss Leigh Page-“You and the Skeptical Patient: Who’s the Doctor Here?”

13. Poems are meant to waft fresh air and thoughts into our minds. Balasubramani from Salem reminds us, in these NCD times, that healthy living begins with healthy eating.

World Diabetes Day is just a whisker away.

Do read, and write for the KAUVERIAN

Best regards

Kauvery Hospital