
Dr. Venkita S. Suresh

Group Medical Director, Kauvery Hospitals, India


Dear Kauverians,

At last Kauvery Data has begun to drive us, encouraging us to mature beyond the one case wonder!

Five clinical audits from TRICHY set the stage for examining our data-and learning from our resources, processes, practices, and outcomes.

Dr. K. Senthilkumar and colleagues present their inquiry into post-operative sore throat.

Dr. K. Senthil Kumar, Neonatologist, examines our data on pediatric HLH.

Dr. Subbaiah and colleagues update their data on Haematopoetic Stem Cell Transplanation.

Dr. Joseph evaluates the diagnostic potential of cardiac biomarkers in our practice.

Dr. Soniya Tambe, neurologist from Electronic City, reports on Hirayama Disease.

Dr. Wincy Marlene, mentored by Dr. S. Aravinda Kumar, highlights ECG in Hyperkalemia.

Mahendran, Pediatric Occupational Therapist from HAMSA Trichy, presents the first of his two reports, on children with Torticollis, elegantly backed by a statistical analysis.

Ms. Noorul Sahin, Clinical Pharmacist, Tennur, introduces us to a new drug in hematology – Etrombopag.

Our Physician Assts, inspired by Gayathri from Chennai and Meenatchi from Trichy, have now begun to publish.

Aasifa reports on Henoch Schonlein Purpura.

Mahalakshmi reports on Sialadenitis.

A very lean Dr. Sylvester Stallone, in stark contrast to his famous mamesake who is a Hollywood icon, does a lean review of Mark Grabans acclaimed book on Lean Hospitals.

Dasaratharaman writes the next chapter of medical statistics- this is on Black-Scholes model.

We return to the next fascinating chapters in the books of our beloved teachers: Dr. Vasanthi Vidyasagaran and Dr. Yeshwanth.

We conclude with the Journal Scan which gives you highlights of thirty recent papers.

Do read, and write for the KAUVERIAN

Kauvery Hospital