Dr. Venkita S. Suresh

Group Medical Director, Kauvery Hospitals, India


Dear colleagues

(1). “Break Heart Pass coming up!”

Charles Bronson, yesteryear macho hero of Hollywood, pulled the whistle on the train he was steaming up the hill.

He looked out the engine and announced what was coming up ahead. Break Heart Pass was also the name of the movie.

Dr. Vigneshvarprashanth Umapathy, under the watchful eye of Dr. G. Dominic Rodriguez and mentored by Dr R. M. Subbaiah, brings to us the “A Young Girl Lost in the Storm”, which is definitely the most heart-rending, and mind-numbing, tragic tale ever reported in the KAUVERIAN.

We need to learn a lot from that.

(2). ECMO is not Easy Mo! When I repeatedly requested Dr. Santhosh, Med Admin at Chennai, an anaesthesiologist and intensivist himself, for an update on their ECMO experience, he said, equally repeatedly, “Kindly wait sir, let us get our act together and then, as you insist, I shall get our Senior ECMO technician to write it.

Finally, it is here! “ECMO as a bridge to Transplant – A Case Study by Suni Jose, Senior perfusionist.

We are already providing ExtraCorporeal support-HemoDialysis is example. Now is the time to get proficient in ECMO support for Heart and Lung Failure and also at providing Extra Corporeal support to Severe Liver Failure.

(3). The Nephrology PowerPoint Shower is here!

Salem celebrated World Kidney Day with a power-packed KidneyCon 2023. Five speakers-in the order of speaking-Dr. Ramohan Sripad Bhat from ECB, Dr RBS from Chennai, and Drs Abirami, Kishore Kumar and Vigneswaran, all from Salem, presented brilliant talks, drawing from insights gained from Kauvery patients, on AKI, Renal Anemia, Transplant infections, newer drugs to treat Nephropathy in Diabetes and a Primer on Soda Bicarb administration in Nephrology.

These Ppts have been prepared after intense, month-long reflection and deliberation, so there is no way more time can be found to prepare a transcript. The contents of the Ppts are complete by themselves, so we are projecting them as videos. They are outstanding learning material, not to be missed.

With Hematology, Cardiology, Nephrology and Critical Care batting, how can Neurology and Otorhinolaryngology not jump into the field as well?

Dr Sheelu Srinivas, Consultant ENT Surgeon, Kauvery Hospital ECB, updates us on a field not entirely familiar to us- with “Sialendoscopy: Shifting paradigms in treatment of salivary gland disease.”

Dr Soniya Tambe, Consultant Neurologist, Kauvery, ECB, wind up this series of reports on original work with her report on “Gait imbalance in a senior due to Chronic Immune Sensory Polyneuropathy (CISP)”.

As always, there shall be more! Maybe even a surprise: Highlights from an international conference!

Dhasaratharaman presents the McNemar test that is utilized for two related examples as a part of circumstances where the states of mind of individuals are noted previously, then after the fact treatment to test the essentialness of progress in sentiment if any.

Dr. Vasanthi Vidyasagaran discusses the enigmatic Disulfiram like reaction due to the use of Ciprofloxacin/metronidazole in a patient who had consumed alcohol recently and also Fat Embolism During Liposuction, a potentially fatal complication of a popular intervention

Dr. Ambedkar ends his chapter on this issue with a ‘take home message’- “Changing trends in medicine call for constant updating and the doctor has to be a lifetime student. It is important to find time for continued education even in a busy practice”. I think we in Kauvery agree.

The Journal scan presents a review of 35 recent papers of immediate clinical significance, harvested from major international journals. I suggest you do not miss:

  • Kathy Oxtoby. Helping patients get their lives back: the colorectal surgeon. BMJ 2023;380:p94
  • Richard Smith (former editor of the BMJ). “Functional disorders”: one of medicine’s biggest failures. BMJ 2023;380:p221.
  • Paolo Spriano. Managing Uncertainty in the Practice of Medicine. 2023

Dr Subbaiah gives five spot diagnoses, the first four are general and the last one is haematological.
Recommended Readings:

Do read, and write for, the KAUVERIAN.

Best regards,

Kauvery Hospital