Dr. Venkita S. Suresh

Group Medical Director, Kauvery Hospitals, India



Dear colleagues

The highlights of the KAUVERIAN, 01 July 2023!

Mucor is back! Actually, it never went away, after COVID. It has popped up at our hospitals with distressing regularity, complicating even a transplant. Dr. Hari Meyappan, and his PGs, Drs Naseeba and Meena, from Kauvery Trichy, have taken up from where he left, when he and his ENT colleagues from Chennai, Hosur and Bengaluru published the Mucor Quadrilogy in the KAUVERIAN, and have now published in this issue their sequel ” SURGICAL MANAGEMENT OF COVID-19 ASSOCIATED RHINO-ORBITO-CEREBRAL -MUCORMYCOSIS (CA-ROCM) – A SINGLE CENTRE EXPERIENCE”, on a total of 74 patients with Rhino-orbito-cerebral-mucormycosis (CA-ROCM), a fulminant and life-threatening disease, for which surgical intervention and prompt antifungal therapy are the mainstays of treatment.

An elegant paper, on “Knee Joint Preservation Surgeries”, comes yet again from Dr. Mohan Kumar J, Dr. Vijay Kulkarni and Dr. Chandrakanth, Department of Orthopaedics, Kauvery Hospital, ECB.

We have two seminal breakthroughs in interventional cardiology, as ‘Brief Communications’, from Dr. Joseph, on “Ventricular Septal (VSR) closure with ASD device” through a jugular approach, and, “Newer Calcium Debulking Angioplasty technique of Orbital Atherectomy”.

A stunning report from Heart City, Trichy,” An hour-long CPR to restart the heart”, comes next, from Vigneshvarprashanth Umapathy, Dr. S. Aravindakumar, Dr. Z. Mohamed Ghouse Khan, Dr. Nithish and Dr. Jasper Shekinah.

Vigneshvarprashanth scores again, along with Dr. Aravindakumar and Dr. Priyanka, with “VT, or SVT with aberrancy?”

A striking image hits you next! “Pituitary Neuroendocrine Tumor (PitNET) from Nurse P. Aarthi and Vigneshvarprashanth Umapathy, Resident Internal Medicine, both from Kauvery Hospital, Tennur, Trichy.

With this Dr. Vigneshvarprashanth Umapathy hits a ‘ hat trick’ on this issue. He has now five papers to his credit in the KAUVERIAN and is tieing with Dr. Sai Soundarya’s course record of 5!

The fabulous Kauvery Nurses from Heart City shower a bonanza of reports on us next-FOUR of them, thus setting a new record!

VSD Device Closure, from Ms. Hemalatha and Ms. Sheeba.

PDA Device Closure, from Ms. Hemalatha and Ms. Ranjitha.

Iron Deficiency Anemia, Post MVR, Ms. Vijayalakshmi and Ms. Indumathi.

TORSADES DE POINTES, again from Vijayalakshmi.

Dieticians and Quality hold hands together to write “Quality improvement project to Reducing the Malnutrition Rate of ICU patients from 43% to 20%”, penned by Ms. Rajeswari, Mr. Katheeresan, Ms. Sivagami, Ms. Sowndarya and Mr. Dharmendran, all from Kauvery Salem.

Clinical Audit is back! Clinical Pharmacist Vijayalakshmi from Kauvery Heartcity reports on Long term use of Amiodarone in Cardiac patients.

Dasaratharman, our ace statistician is also back with “Statistical Independent Events and Probability”.

Dr.Vasanthi Vidyasagaran’s peripoperative chapter is on Mesenteric Vein Thrombosis, a dire emergency which puts the bowel in ischemic peril. This peril grew to formidable numbers during COVID, an endothelial and thrombotic night mare. It has not gone away; we see its regular incidence on the wards.

Finally, the Journal Scan gives you forty papers from last four weeks of publication s

The KAUVERIAN, shall hit the stands on or before 01 July 2023, paying a tribute to Doctors Day by featuring thirteen doctor – authors

Do read, and write for the Kauverian.

Our dear colleagues from Kauvery Chennai are conspicuously absent as authors in this issue! We earnestly request their participation in the adventure of in-house scientific writing and publication.

Best regards,

Kauvery Hospital